Dash Vapes

Convenience stores are panicking about vapes.

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  1. I wish they’d put those regulations down here in the states and be done with all this already. My local shop is closing their storefront due to the loss of 65% of their sale due to the negative media but at least they will continue there online sale of flavor mixing products

  2. In Canada, couche- tard/Mac's, statoil in Europe and circle k in the us and the rest of the world (it's all the same company) represent a 59$ billion, yep, fifty fucking nine billion dollars, yeah, I guess they might be upset at losing millions(if not an order of magnitude more) because of vapers and vape shops.
    My experience is that I never was carded from 15 and up for anything tobacco or alcohol related until I started vaping. Only vape shops have ever carded me, not gas stations or convenience stores or even the fucking SAQ(Québec runc liquor store, like the lcbo in Ontario) so yeah…

  3. Convenience stores should not be able to sell anything vape related, there are too many underaged vapers getting their product from stores like that and every vape shop I've ever been in always IDs, vape shops shouldn't be getting all the flak for other stores being irresponsible and unprofessional. Why are we banning something us adults enjoy because of things like this, I should be able to buy whatever flavour and strength I want being a 20 year old adult

  4. They have quite a nerve after plastering their stores with the huge JUUL and Vype displays and putting the products on open shelves and displaying the availability in their windows. This ran counter to all of HC's regulations in the TVPA of 2018, at least in spirit. That's the criminality in this whole situation.

  5. It would be best if convenience stores were not allowed to sell vape products. When i 15-18 i could walk into a gas station and walk out with a pack of smokes. Granted that was in late 90's. Im sure they have tightened up regulations since then. haha.
    Keep vape products strictly to vape stores.

  6. I believe that any person or company who is against this far less harmful alternative to smoking cigarettes has an agenda. There's no reason to speak out against our worlds greatest harm reduction tool since seat belts unless their pockets are being stuffed with the oppositions Big fat dollars.

  7. Strongly disagree with the nicotine limits. And as for convenience shops – remember that a lot, a lot of adults use Juuls and other disposable pod devices. Which they don't get in vape shops. So I'm against, and I don't think splitting the community between vape shops and convenience shops is going to help us at all. Also find it more than a little surreal that we're having moral hysteria over nicotine, of all things. Also – most of the kids who vape regularly are the kids who used to be smoking. So there's that. And they may get thrown under the bus on this one. So…no easy answers.

  8. We own convenient stores and are making it where all age restricted products require an ID Not only to be checked but scanned before the sale is allowed. The United States just wants to regulate it and tax E cigs.

  9. Yeah, I don't think I even need to say what I'm thinking, because it would really p*as off a lot of people. And I've already made a few political nemesies because they couldn't stand the fact that i was right in the first place.
    It's no secret for those who fully utilize their logic that Big Tobacco has been one of thr leading hands behind the vape ban, etc., for some years now. But it's also not much of a secret that other companies and citizens (more what I call "sheep") have a lot of their heads and paws in Big Tobacco's pockets, and thus they're going to be absolutely p*ssed as Hell when something comes along and threatens their profit by a few pennies on the dollar. I have people trying to argue with me almost every day, claiming that vaping is "killing people", and yet they stop dead-halt when I say "so, You think that VAPING is so bad for you, and yet… What do you think you are filling your rapidly aging lungs with, when you light that cigarette? Vaping doesn't kill people; Big Tobacco has been making a profit off your death(s) for decades, and yet you willingly commit slow suicide, every time you light a cigarette Big Tobacco made. Bravo on your intellect level, sheep."

    One of the most profitable things at all convenience stores (sadly) Is the tobacco they sell. They don't even make half that profit on gas, and that's saying a lot, considering oil companies are another major industry today (though rapidly falling due to where the world is going).

  10. Convenience stores and bodegas sell made in China unregulated crap and sell to under age buyers all the time. True vape stores strictly adher to law, sell quality products and educate their customers.

  11. 58 years old, vaping 10 plus years. No I'll effect s. Have not went back to smoking . Even tried a cig a few years back. Hated it, wondered have I even got to smoking 3 packs a day. Just my 2 cents.

  12. Screw the convenience stores they're numero uno as to why this is a thing at all. And I say that cause juul doesnt sell directly. The answer is to directly limit vape stuff to specialty shops and ditch nicsalts.

  13. The big tobacco in the United States of America is losing money so they're attacking The Vaping industry stock the b***** of saying this that or the other about it it's the truth and everybody knows it I don't care what everybody else thinks

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