Dash Vapes

Coronavirus & Vaping | Should you be worried?

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  1. I've been vaping for about a year and then out of nowhere I got a really bad cough even when I quit for a few days does anyone have recommendations for something I should try

  2. Thank you for sharing this with your subscribers. I honestly did not even think of this possibly happening with my vape gear. Great customer service here!! Be safe everyone and wash and sanitize often, both your hands and common surfaces.

  3. Lowkey seems like the best way to curb vaping. Chinese scientists escorted out of Canadian lab. 2 weeks later Corona outbreak in china, vape factories shut down. Government is like lol buy our tobacco please

  4. @dashvapes hey i am a huge fan of the channel. I recently read a lot about vaping and brain damage (austria reports, not one specific one). So i was wondering if you could make a video debunking the theorie about vaping causing brain damage ?

  5. actually dave….. the biggest concern is NOT IMPORTED GOODS…. its CAN AND THE VIRUS SPREAD FROM VAPING EXHALES……
    u know… if we not know we got covid 19….. and u know how much smoke produced by vaping… its like GIANT MASS COVID 19 SPREADING SMOKE…..

    can it ??? i'll wait ur next vids….

  6. Ain't it great now people dying from coronavirus that 'vape' illness isn't in the news anymore. Not only the sales of hand sanitizer and face masks gone through the roof, vape products too!!

  7. You said it yourself, survival on surfaces up to 9 days under optimal conditions. Lets look at optimal conditions first, depending on the port, ungodly hot or cold climates, filthy and extreme temperature conditions inside the sorting facility, handled by at LEAST 10 people, I mean far from optimal. But lets be generous and give the 9 days. I defy anyone here to use standard shipping from China (who uses premium anyway?) and get it in any less than two weeks. MINE take three weeks. I would say anyone using standard shipping is safe. Anyone using premium shipping should handle the package with gloves and a mask and seal it air tight in a bag for two weeks. Plus you get to say to people "I put my new mod in quarantine" haha.

  8. An where I live it, take more than two weeks for me to get anything I order from China. An I've order from China an it has took up to a month or a month an a half so I should be ok since it should be dead if there is any of the virus own the itean I've ordered than so that's good to know.

  9. Stopped smoking for 1year and started smoking again it never leaves but now i have just too much to deal with so dont have time to fight with a vape too

  10. why don't we talk about people that might be walking down the street and suddenly they walk thru a cloud of VAPE that someone else has BREATHED out, what if the vaper has the virus? Millions of little droplets containing the virus are now in the air! Just saying.

  11. Must be a good year for vape store owners. Every week its a new end to vaping and stock up while supplies last. LOL I wish I owned a vape shop right now. 2019 the vaping apocalypse.

  12. Maybe u should stick to vaping bro cuz the corona virus is nothing more than the common cold, it is all fear porn, but make sure you roll up your sleeve and take your “vaccine” that will undoubtably do much more damage. I suggest everyone research oil of oregano aka God oil.

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