Zophie Vapes

Death to the Vaping Industry? FDA Regulations begin August 8, 2016

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  1. Everything I've EVER been involved in and loved( Guns, hot rods, Motorcycles, now vaping) has been f*ked in the a* by our GUBMENT…keep electing those democrats folks……

  2. Well Z.. that really sucks for you guys.. you can always come here to Canada n hang out with us up here,, were really easy goin with that sorta shit… VAPE ON we always say

  3. In regards to minors …. wtf are the parents doing it is THEIR responsibility to monitor their children's behaviour ….. they alone should be accountable for their children using vaping products. Unfortunately they would rather sit on their asses and blame everybody else especially the vapers. …. grrrrr??

  4. The only thing bannable is the nic, everything else is easily legally obtained, i live in Australia and we haven't had any talks of banning vaping because it would be retarded to ban it

  5. Are you guys still getting fucked over in America cause that is bullshit I need these YouTube vids to keep me up to date on new product but good luck guys

  6. FDA being allowed to make components as "tobacco products" is why agencies like mine are being watched for potential to use our power to strike at the traitors at home under our domestic oath. There is an internal war happening in the US government. Difference is? My group has far superior firepower so they don't want to push against us because we have spies in FDA & FBI waiting to call us to roll out APC's. We're sick of our people being abused because of their innocence to things without tobacco being listed as tobacco in support of crooked tobacco companies trying to make it seem just as bad as their products.

  7. They prefer us dead or at least on tons of medication, patches, pills, gums, etc etc etc.
    I smoked for most of 30 years. Tried patches, gums, pills, everything…
    Vaping works.

  8. thank you for the video. by this time cole bishop has passed, please look into it. and if minors use it is on the parents, as well as the vender, if they don't fallow the law then we here what about the kids. like it is our fault we don't want cancer. my koopor just went doa, so I had to light up no choice, as I wate for a mod to show at my po box. when it comes to juice diy , I do it is easy to learn and you can have your flavors to. have a good day zophie

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