Dash Vapes

Demonetized… AGAIN.

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  1. I’m pretty sure it is the fact that you’re not being paid for it. The vaping ban you care so much for actually effects your life seeing as how you work at a vape store.. it may partially be about helping people but some of us aren’t completely dense. As a vaper I do find some of your videos interesting but your voice and demeanor as some what of a cocky hipster kind of person seem to be very off putting to anyone I’ve shown your videos too. You may have a following that disagrees with me but I have my opinions and the people who demonetized you probably share them.

  2. there is alot to say but i feel youtube has all there priorities backwards i mean i believe there is so much you can find on here that should be demonitized..but yet nothing happens..keep it up dashvapes what gpes around comes around.you will be strong and beat the politics of it.

  3. So jacked to hell and back! 🙁 vaping was never meant for kids. I still dont understand how kids get vapes. When you have to be over 18
    Some u.s. places going towards being 21

  4. I am wondering, is VIMEO the same with these guidelines?
    if so, wouldn't it be better to just stop using YT, and just get your own server, with your own ad sponsors? (like E-liquid makers, Vapeshops, donations or ads from people who create art or make their own DIY products) and next to that a Patreon website and maybe more? I mean, youtube is bashing more and more content creators for speaking truth, and I also have a feeling that something is going on with YouTube and Facebook, because every time I post a YouTube video, my followers do not see it in their timeline (I have asked a couple of them to go to my profile, and they did not see the post that was on there for more than 2 hours, when I provided the direct post url, they did see it.) Now I don't have a huge followerbase at all, I am just a simple user, but if this happens to me, it will also happen to bigger Facebookers…. so maybe it is time to make some changes… with the help of your subscribers/followers, it should be possible!

    much love from Spain!

  5. Mario here from Germany. Appreciate your good work and will keep smashing that thumb up button for your fine content!
    We have to fight for free speech and against prohibition!

  6. YouTube is a TRASH PLATFORM. The suggestions are crap and the ads are not in my interest. You have my support DV. Your content is spot on and very informative. The feed that they send to me isgarbage and we are all aware that they are controlling everything. Move to Bitchute for a better platform. Good Luck and Peace.

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