Mike Vapes

Druga v2 RDA By Augvape and VapeHouse

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  1. Yessss!!!! Hardware!!!!!! I don’t hate pods/disposable like most of the community seems to rag on people for. But. It’s very nice to see a hardware review for us drippers tho!!!!

  2. Mike Vapes What's up bro…in your opinion do you think it would be necessary to have included spare post screws? How about that airflow is there enough and is it loud or quiet? Also being that I like to vape off of some monster staples that have some ramp up and can get my addy heated so I have a taller drip tip to keep my lips away from the top cap, can you see that metal stump being an issue in that area getting hot from a build like that??? Thanks man keep up your content love your honesty brother?

  3. Great video Mike. Got V1 in ultem. If augvape wants hardware how about a INTAKE RDA? Top airflow flavor machine. Just thinking out loud. Thanks again Mike for what you do

  4. It looks nice, just have never been a big fan of clamp-style RDAs. The coils sit midway and close to all that metal and tend to get it hot as heck which fries the lips! I prefer posts, like on the Drop Dead or better yet a short block in the build deck with holes to place your leads. Good review tho!

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