Mike Vapes

Buddha v4 30mm Rda – Triple Coil Build & Wick – Mike Vapes

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  1. The V3 was better than this. That build deck is taking up way too much space. Too bad you can't get a V3 clone anymore but the temple 30mm is the same thing almost.

  2. Hey Mike, great review as always, but I have a question. I have the same exact coil pack and tried putting those same coils into my azerorh rta triple deck it it reads way too low to fire. Even when I only put 2 coils into a velocity deck I'm reading between .16 and .18. Any ideas why? I hate having to use kanthal on that triple deck.

  3. Umm go to 2:16 in the video and read #17 on page 7 of the rules manuel he showed ….. ROFL

    For those of you that do not wish to go look yourself its only up for 2 seconds as he flips through the manuel as he is describing what comes in the box… " #17. Do not use any Vaperz Cloud product or device in any sexual manner."

    …..what O_O is that an issue? LOL … like are people using vapes in sexual manners ? I didn't know of this known problem lmao

  4. The juice well is much deeper than that, because the coil sits so high and the fact that they used 3 o rings at the bottom, their intention was for you to leave the afc ring on it fixed in place and pulling the chuff cap off to juice it, essentially turning the afc into part of the juice well. It works this way specifically because the posts are top load posts that raise the coils above the normal flood stage.

  5. Questions here guys.

    Can anyone suggest an atty that will throw bigger clouds; thats kind of what I'm looking for at the moment.

    I also want to stick this guy (if I get it) on a think vape finder 250 c; has anyone tried a 30mm on the Finder? Does it fit well or does it look silly?

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