Dash Vapes

Donald Trump CANCELS vape flavor ban?!

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  1. Umm your still in Canada your voice still doesn't mean anything to the United states government but great job I guess grim greens is a g rip tripper is probably getting money from big tobacco you should look into that

  2. I wasn't really scared about the Vape band because I knew he was going to backpedal but every state has their own idea I'm assuming just like Canada to an extent every province has their own little idea

  3. His meeting yesterday was with the moral panic army, a Juul rep and some guy from 1joy. It was pure derp and lies from start to end, with Trump clearly confused, kept asking about flavors, as if that is all vaping is about.

  4. RJ Reynolds is pouring the money in, i guarantee it! Gods forbid people stop sucking in the 2,000 DEADLY CHEMICALS in cigarettes and switch the the 95% SAFER alternative.

  5. Bro you don't understand it yet trump have no problem with vaping he just can't let tobbaco company to die so he created this mess and banned vaping in all the developing country this was his motto and now it's full filled so he won't ban it in USA you can stay assure

  6. "Truth" intiative……uh huh….. I switched from cigs to vape 5 years ago after 30 years of Marlboro Reds. I haven't had bronchitis since. I rarely catch colds, and the list goes on. When I woke up in the morning when a smoker, I would hack out all kinds of nasty stuff until I could choke a cigarette down. But with vaping I don't do that. Thanks for all you do DashVapes. Keep it rolling!!

  7. I vape and have for many years. Most vape reviewers look like antifa hipsters. RIP Trippers appeals to kids with his ShamWow cadenced patter and cartoon gestured hype. This does no favors to those of us who vape to stay off smokes.
    I watched the meeting with both sides of the argument on Cspan. When a vape representative told The President about Big Tobacco backed products being able to wait out the temporary ban while smaller vape suppliers were going under his ears perked up. President Trump can smell a rat a lot better than you might think and he is NO FAN of overly concerned puppets going to bat for the afore mentioned Big Tobacco companies. The meeting ended with the smaller vape companies getting the last punch in. I was happy.
    I know most of you gobble up the "orange man bad" narrative and are freinds of Karl Marx but there are a big number of us who vape to stay off cigarettes.
    Calling it the "Trump Flavor Ban" is about the dumbest thing one can do if we wish to garner support from The President of The United States.

  8. So he bloody-well should cancel it. The industry is huge. It he wants to hassle someone, on public health grounds, he should hassle Phillip Morris aka Altria.

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