Mike Vapes

Eleaf Lemo 2 Review and The Future of Vaping – Lemo v2

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  1. Mike, I love ya but you said "China gotta fight for us" This pisses me off, China can't fight for American freedom,  No, only Americans can save this Republic, and we need to do it fast.

    E-Cigs are the least of our concerns, look it at folks. #wakeup

  2. Love the t-shirt – lol!  I'm ecstatic that you love this RTA – it's on my list and should be here by the end of next week or so.  I'm just learning to build, so I think this one will be an easy one to build on for me.  Thanks yet again for great tips, in this case, the filling method and creating the initial vacuum to avoid leakage.

    Your subs all over the world bloody better want to hear about CASAA and similiar organizations, get off their butts and do their part to fight like hell for our right to vape.  That's right Mike…I vote for vaping too hon and I fight like hell from Ontario, Canada to ensure we won't be vaping them damn BT cigalikes. 

    Vape safe…vape strong and I'll see ya in the next one I catch up on, or Thursday on The vApe Team.  Taking a hit of my shit for you Mike 🙂

    P.S. Looking seriously at the iPV 4, just waitin' on your and Brian's review…hint…hint.

  3. Hey Mike I got my Lemo 2 in.  Does vape well for sure and I do love the top fill for sure but honestly this tank was difficult to take apart and now its leaking so once its empty I think I am done with it and am just going to stick with my Atlantis and Kanger Subtanks which never gave me this much grief.

  4. Thanks for a great review.  I have mine on pre order and you and Brian have me convinced that I am going to love it.  May have to get another one after I try the first one. Think I will like it better than Kayfun v4

  5. I've always been a tank guy. Original Lemo and Billow are in my daily rotation. But I can't for the life of me get the vacuum to work in this Lemo 2. Standard coil, 26 g, pancake wicked so I know the channels are open. Replaced all rings, the two on the tank and the little guy at the top of the chimney. It won't wick. At all. Close the air and puff to fill it up, but it eventually runs dry. Any ideas?

  6. Can't wait to get mine. If anyone is looking to a good deal on one smog dsitribution has the best ive seen. Im hoping the rest of the spots fill up quick so I can get mineeee

  7. Hello,nice video.This is Sweety from Bilsen company in China.My company design a new SUB ohm tank–Vanga tank.now we want to find a partner as you,my company send you Vanga tank,products cost and shipping cost paid by my company,then you make a video of Vanga tank after you receive it,we like your Analysis and commentary of ecig.if you feel good,please contact me.thank you.
    Phone:+86 18771620479

  8. for some reason after a couple weeks mine started leaking every once in a while after sitting for awhile, and my air control I guess I tightened it so bad and I cant get it off, do you have any suggestions? I leave an air pocket and take a hit of it real quick after filing it up, but if I let it sit for awhile even with a half tank it still leaks, I am confused, all the o rings are in place I just don't know why it started leaking

  9. Nice review Mr.Mike…
    Mine has come yesterday…Hope it will surprise me more than my At***t*s..
    Anyway, my mod is rDNA 40S…with 28awg nickel from vapowire, how to build this thing, that can give me a richest flavor…

    I watched your video about how to rebuild the lemo drop…can i apply that method for my lemo 2 too….

    Thanks for the advice,Mr.Mike..

  10. Another great job Mike, I just picked up a lemon drop on Monday took it home and hit that shit. Let me tell you I love the tank and after watching your review I will be buying the lemo2. I count on you Mike to put me on the right track , with the myriad of new equipment coming out its hard to know what direction to flow. So thanks brother As soon as the t-shirts come in Id be happy to sport a hit that shit shirt . Have a great weekend Mike

  11. Mike…just got it today in the mail from Wetvapes. I checked it out, filled it with Infamous Trill from Giants. Based on your recommendations; including the e-juice. First, the LEMO II is stellar; awesome flavor and great cloud. The pre-build was very, very good. I had no trouble with leakage. Awesome review, it is very quality. The juice tastes phenomenal… WOW! Good job bro… home run and yes… you were right!

  12. I have to add to this a bit, and I'll add these comments to other videos. I went from a Kanger Subox Mini to this because I thought it was going to be a nicer head. I was sure it would be after seeing review after reviewer claim it was equal or better. It's not better. Don't believe the hype, guys. Don't get me wrong; it's okay but not great.

    eLeaf Lemo 2 Problems:

    1) The fill port is highly annoying if you are using a dropper, even if the thing is on it's side and the air holes closed, because it is not big enough. The thicker the fluid, the more easily it can back up all over the place.

    2) Rewicking–a process a guy like me does sometimes every day–REQUIRES that you dump the head's fluids! WTF! That wastes fluid unless you wait until the thing is practically empty! The Subox Mini didn't require me to dump eFluid down the drain like that.

    3) The head holds less fluid than the Subox Mini did – a lot less. It's maybe 30% less in real-world use if not more regardless of what the numbers say.

    4) As for building the deck–remember the thing you bought this head for–the hole bends are a JOKE! How freaking annoying that they are not faced down or some direction that doesn't require 360-degree bends! Sure you can use the knobby screw heads, but if you do that, you better tick to 26 or 28 gauge wire or else they won't grab worth shit and they wire will pop off as soon as you tug the coil in place. Oh and about those bends: all that fucking wire not touching a drop of fluid is wattage down the drain since wire heats up even if it's not in the coil. That's power heating the air, not making vape! I'd say actual vapor production on this head is POOR at ~10W but just fine on the Kranger Subox Mini for my tastes. Big wattage numbers don't impress me if they don't lead to bigger clouds, better taste, or something, and this head can't touch the Subox at the lower wattage numbers. At the higher ones others problems exist (see 6 below).

    5) The head leaks like crazy if it's sideways–you know the direction you'd probably want to charge the damned thing if you were using the accompanying eLeaf 100W mod. You don't need no hot car either; it'll just pour out being sideways in the middle of an air-conditioned room.

    6) BUT THE ABSOLUTE WORST PART OF THIS HEAD IS THAT IT DOESN'T SUPPORT THICK FLUIDS AT ALL! If you are running above 60% VG, forget it; you'll get dry hits worse than the Kranger Subtank after maybe 10 drags unless you air the head every few drags by opening the fill port. You know those videos showing this tank work with thick fluid at high wattage? Well they should have kept dragging it because I've tried wicking this thing a half dozen ways, and IT SIMPLY DOES NOT WORK FOR THICK FLUIDS PAST A DOZEN DRAGS! I don't even know if it works for thin fluids, but down to 65% it doesn't work unless you air the head by opening the fill port (annoying).

    Summary: there is nothing special about the Lemo 2 other than eLeaf sent it out to a lot of reviewers, and they felt obliged to talk about it positively. You get free stuff in the mail and see how objective YOU can be! And look I have no axe to grind here with eLeaf. There a good company for box mods but I bought this head REALLY wanting to like it better than the Kranger Subtank Mini, which actually has its own set of problems. In truth I don't like it better. In most respects it's worse. I feel like I just got ripped off.

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