Mike Vapes

Wismec RX2/3 Review – Mike Vapes

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  1. I bought this device. I've had it replaced by wismec 2 times in 4 months. About every 2 months I get a check batter issue. Now I don't feel I should have to solder and do shit to a mod. I get my 3rd replacement tomorrow. I was told by wismec that they would replace it again until I get a mod that don't malfunction. So apparently they know this is an issue.

  2. Hey, i was just wondering if there were any special coil you need to have on the device, or is it fine to use a SMOK coil?:) Your videos are really good btw

  3. don't waste your money. I didn't have mine 2 months, and then all of a sudden, it sais check batteries. I put 3 different sets of FRESHLY charged batteries in mine and it kept telling "check batteries". Tried ALL Fresh charged batteries 5-6 times, still kept telling me to "check batteries". Fucking Garbage! So I gave it a "smash" check. check the batteries NOW. They're fucking garbage. could've done so much more with that $40 than spend it on this garbage.

  4. Just picked one up today waiting on the new batteries to be charged up this is my first wismec mod I've had kangertech and now have an Alien a G Priv and an R150

  5. i have been running this with my Smok cloudbeast tank but it keeps burning my coils. After a couple of tankfuls of juice the liquid starts turning brown and the taste is $%!#

  6. I don't see the point o saying if you only want 3 batteries in the device get the other one, this one is a tiny tiny bit taller, and you the option for 2 or 3 batteries, making this the clear better choice of the 2 mods!! Anything can happen, one of your batteries could get fkd up, boom knock it down to 2 batteries, and if you get sick of using 3 batteries than boom back to 2 batteries….lol…. I just think that for the extra option, it is the better buy, and it is like a few mm taller than the 200s!!! Great review!!

  7. Can i get some help. Pls guide me. Having a hard time to pic which is the best mod for me. What do you think is better rx2/3 200w or predator 228w what is the difference pros and cons? What do u like better? Pls help

  8. This is my favorite vape, been vapeing with this mod for a year with a big baby beast tank and ive had NO PROBLEMS WITH ANYTHING WHATSOEVER, i love this vape great look, height, clear bright led lights on screen and easy to use. I recommend this vape mod for anyone who loves huge heavy clouds and this is a all around perfect vape for me, Great review as always mike, you were my inspiration to buy this vape.

  9. I had 2 of these, first one simply stopped working and the second one decided to suddenly started to get really hot and began smoking. I was only vaping at 40w I wouldn't buy another wismec.

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