Mike Vapes

Galaxies MTL RDA By Vapefly – Build & Wick – Mike Vapes

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  1. Great Review as always Mike!! would be a great RDA for stealth squonking in public I like it , like the way it has the rest built into the deck to let the jig sit, would love to win one of these

  2. This Oct will be 9yrs vaping for me & I honestly forgot how good MTL used to be with my 1st rebuildable tank, the Kayfun. I've been so caught up in DL, adjustable airflows & trying to find the best of both worlds (flavor/clouds) in an atty…I'd LOVE to try a good mouth to lung RDA on a squonk box, especially a mech. It should extend the battery life on a 20700 squonker , like a pro vapers wet dream….lol Great vid Mike btw as always

  3. TY Mike, Daniel gave me a black one for his Patreon giveaway and I love it on my Capo squanker. My 1st stretched coil came out to 0.85 ohm and at 15 watts my spare 18650 should last a lot longer than with my Dead rabbit SQ single at 0.4 ohm ;<) TY for using the supplied coil so I know the best watts to start with it.

  4. Спасибо за обзор. Нужно покупать. Хорошо, что можно легко менять вкусы жидкостей после пары парений, в отличии от RTA.

  5. Hey mike. Im new to squonking and planning on getting this exact setup (tank and mod) I mainly mtl and my coil ranges from 0.7 to 1.0
    And mostly use wattage mode at 15-20 watts. Do you think setup will work for me? Thanks

  6. Great review Mike! I am interested in how this RDA will work. I have recently been using salt based nicotine, but I was a dripper for about 5 years and always Built My Own coils. Salt nicotine tends to be a little harsher on the Cotton then a 3mg free base nicotine. It becomes tedious to rewick and RTA once or twice a week. Squonk rdas make it easier to Simply change the cotton without losing the liquid that is in your Reservoir, meaning the squonk bottle. Obviously salt nicotine's also are much higher in dose, so you don't want a ton of air flow. You want a low wattage, tight airflow hit. I think this RDA would be perfect for just that reason.

  7. Hey Mike! How are you? Is this a good option to use with salt nic 35mg? I'm using pods (vaporesso renova and justfog minifit) but I want to use this on my pulse x. What is your thoughts about that? Best regards!

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