Mike Vapes

Smok RPM LiTe Review

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  1. Although I did enjoy your review I gotta say it’s kinda dumb that Smok keeps making these types of devices that are 40-80watts but you can’t go above 25 watts with the standard coils. ? I suppose it does serve a purpose but still annoying. Hey Steve! Let’s compare micro USB collections? Have a good one Mike.

  2. Does the rpm lite have adjustable airflow? It's just RPM40 in an RPM80 form factor. I think the only way it would really be an RPM40 killer is if it has adjustable air flow AND it doesn't leak out or condensate out the airflow like the RPM40 does.

  3. meh…just a stripped down version of the rpm80. an well… disappointing . how much more cheaper do u need to make it? i got the rpm80 pro for 25!
    its only advantage is its size but still mehh… if it had a robust afc control and special mtl coils or pod. idk im just thinking…
    oooh btw mike will u be doing a review of the vaperz cloud valhalla 28mm??

  4. Mike I respect the smoke smok and love hearing it every time but, and I don’t wanna ruin it but English “rules” state that without the e, you would have to make the O sound, not say it. I respect if this comments removed.

  5. Steve is a lucky guy!!! All those cords he has lmao!!! Yeah they need to pull their heads out their asses with the same device essentially over and over!!! Good job Mike & Steve!!
    edit: If i want something small i just use my aegis solo with an rta on top or something. I'd like to get a box type with replaceable battery but other than that im G2G on these. I do understand that new converts need something easy to use so im not bashing fully just not for me.

  6. nice review Mike…why are they just doing the same thing over & over when imo they need to work on their rgc coil…every package i get i have to tweak it so i dont get dry hits every single time i vape one…and it sucks cause they have pretty good flavor…but they need to work on that lowest ohm coil ..but thats just my rant 😀

  7. It's basically the RPM40 with airflow control. They should've released this before the RPM80. Probably only die hard Smok fans would buy this.

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