Mike Vapes

IJOY Combo Rdta 2 – Build, Wick, & Giveaway – Mike Vapes

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  1. My only complaint. I tried taking off the drip tip to switch drip tips… now I can't put any of my drip tips on. The o ring is to big and when I push the drip tip on it it won't go back in. It's honestly irritating me a lot.

  2. Is this interchangeable with the Ijoy Limitless RDTA as well Mike? I ordered the gold Limitless and 2 different color Royal Hunter RDAs, my package arrived to day while I was at work so being all excited to dig in and build on all 3 of them guess what I found? NOTHING! Some lower then shit scumbag stole my package from my mailbox so I got royally fucked for all 3 devices. I can't even begin to tell you how totally fucken pissed off I am especially because I wanted the Limitless Gold Black version to mitch and match with my SS version I already have and I was really looking forward to using the Royal Hunter RDAs with different builds in them and now I can't even afford to buy them all again and replace the stolen ones. Top it off, even if I had the tiny little amount I paid for them all, the stie I bought them at is sold out of the Black Limitless Gold edition now so I got completely fucked all the way around for my money and the devices I wanted. I just wish I was able to see who it was that stole my shit because I would break they're fucken arms for being the lowest scum in the world. Shit, I can see if someone is starving and no one would help them, they couldn't work, and they really needed the help that bad that they would stoop that low as to steal just enough food to survive only because of their situation, I would personally give someone in that situation whatever I could to help them. But to steal from someone who has less then you do is just the biggest piece of dog shit and the lowest form of scum a person can be. Anyway, Great review.

  3. liked the chimney style drip tip on the original (mine broke), and am looking to re-purchase the original just for the tip but cant make my mind now with this released. Would of been nice if they included the orig tip also. Do you know is the airflow/cover is interchangeable also? Liked and subscribed fingers crossed.

  4. I LOVED it ❤️. My first RDTA. By the, if we have new comers coming to vape world doesn't know what to get, get this. This tank is all you need. I promised you, if I should lose this would I go out to get a new one absolutely! Without a doubt.

  5. I bought the red one to be all matchy matchy with my fuchai glo… Love the way it vapes, but on the wrong mod you can have a hard time taking it off… I ended up breaking a glass, so I had to use the spare. 1st time for everything

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