Mike Vapes

This Mod Has A Cool Feature – Vapx Meteor 510 Mod!

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  1. You got em triggered Mike lol over the docking station ???????? Mike can't ever win ??‍♂️??‍♂️ people need to relax ? the ones complaining are the ones that only use internal battery mods so they're "experts" ??

  2. nice review mike, as usual. Not sure if I would trust the brand. Not sure if the price and there's others mods or brands that I'd probably rather look up. I would say maybe its a mod you might buy just to add to your collection…and it sits next to the other mods you have and dont use. ?. if it said geekvape in it. I'd believe it. anyways hope your staying safe and blessed. wish the Government and elected officials would just worry about Covid and not sneak in flavor/vape bans in the same bills or plans. vaping saves lives. ???

  3. Good job vapx , I've been suggesting a dock for years, now its time for wireless charging. Js. The whole layout of this mod is nice. Hope it has pass through charging also. Good review Mike.

  4. Not sure I'd be keen on charging a 2000mah lipo at 10amps.. Cool idea, just 2amps would have been better imo though..
    I wonder how long that internal battery will last charging it at 5 times its "recommended charge rate".. And once its dead the mod is dead.. I definitely prefer external batteries..

  5. Hey Mike I'm a longtime fan so I've been vaping for a few years now and I keep noticing when I get close to winter time that if I Vape inside my car my windshield gets this film over it I noticed it some during summer time but not as much have you found any ways to fix this or do I just have to keep cleaning my windshield thank you very much for your time and insight

  6. Not a bad looking mod. The red thread stitching has to go. The quick charge docking station is a very cool idea. Great review. Will have to look into this one.

  7. Another Great Review Mike! Long time sub. Love your content. Just now trying to get more involved with adding comments and likes. Might be picking this one up if THE MAN allows us to purchase and have delivered LIFE SAVING VAPE PRODUCTS. I know Vaping has Saved my life for sure. 25 yrs Reds 2+ packs a day. Quit 7yrs ago. Thanks to Vaping. Peace from Gestapo RI. Keep doing you and Keep On Vaping

  8. Hello, Vapor Friends from around the world
    I need help, I have a question
    I want to know what is the best box mod kit or etc for big clound on 2021
    (i need only a factory coil)
    Liquid does not leak.
    Big Thank

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