Dash Vapes

Imperial Tobacco’s Vype ePen 3 | Friend or Foe?

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  1. The non – refillable cost ineffective big tobacco pen is an obvious and inferior cash grab attempt to infiltrate the vape market. I honestly don't see how they can compete with a superior and cheaper product. Has big tobacco gone insane?

  2. I think that a pod system that u can buy at the corner store, might get smokers over the whole vapeing is hard/complecated thing. Once they switch to the pod, it wont take long for them to do the math, and go to a vape store. My thought is, in the end it will make more vapers/customers.

  3. Firstly, Vype is not a product of Imperial (Blu vape products), it is Brittish American Tobacco's. Secondly, when did BAT put vaping in a negative spotlight? They and RJ Reynolds invested in vape years ago. Haha this is not some counter-culture movement. You guys seem to have this "I discovered this cool music band before anyone else knew about them" sort of attitude. Thirdly, nothing but good will come with BAT scalibility of vape that will allow millions of smokers to make the switch while products will be more scrutinized by the FDA and force small players to submit PMTAs for their products (bye bye small players, which are prone to cutting corners with product quality when no one is looking). Same thing is occuring with cannabis products in California and that is a good thing because a lot of these products were filled with pesticides (i.e. Brass Knuckles) and when increased scrutinization occured, they started getting busted. Lastly, no one is saying you cannot invest in this process and become a shareholder $$$ (Ticker= BTI).

  4. In Los Angeles we have a system called Vuse Alto I believe is sold by Winston-Salem. Its a 50mg salt nic system that uses pods just like that. Its amazing in my opinion.

  5. I got vype 3 for 6 months now and im loving it by the way I got it for free becouse when they just been released they been looking for people to test for 14 days but at the end no one asked me to pay ?:D now they got new tastes with salts also vpro and they do give saving points and different types of possibilities to save I quite love it and it helped me to stay away from cigaretes which is very important for me becouse I’m not as healthy anymore becouse of bad lifestyle by the way I love the fact you can switch the flavours end time you want and you don’t have to waste the liquid iv got different tastes in 6–12-18 ml they. Also got nicotine free to let you guys know 🙂

  6. I got vype 3 and I don't like it at all I pay way more than anything out there and it doesn't last. So I throw 25 in garbage plus 15 for two extra. I should just smoke half pack of cigaret a day instead lol

  7. There is a small added convenience for a toss and replace cartridge for a lot of ex smokers. I would say most smokers dont like the hassle of dealing with loading your own. Just like most dont roll there own tonsave money. Though environmentally not the greatest neither is a billion butts lying on the ground. But if the convenience of not having to refill with your own juice will help why not. Also im glad that a tobacco company is doing this. Instead of trying to kill the vape industry and your customers with something a little more health conscious (maybe more health conscious?). Also there are quite a few more flavours now. Thats what I think anyways, but im probably wrong. Sorry for the novel.

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