Mike Vapes

GangMod From Fumi vapor

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  1. I give you credit for reviewing this Gang Mod thingy. You made it clear that you do not condone the product and I appreciate that. It is absolutely the last thing that vaping needs. It is a greedy attempt to make a buck of the backs of the vaping community. It actually sickens me that this is where we have come. We deserve what big Government will do to us because of shit like this. Greedy MoFo's = death of vaping.

  2. thanks Mike! if you press the up and down buttons together poison darts come out the vent holes. hit the fire button 10 times quick and the atty shoots off at high velocity.

  3. Hey Mike, I totally agree with you. For me it's a shelf vape. Teens and young people will be attracted to it so they can say "Yeah look at me and look what I got" whether they vape or not. This is not good for this time when we are fighting for our rights to stay healthy and vape without going broke paying high taxes to do so. It's crazy I know but it is what it is. It does look very cool, I am with it there but if you buy one, pls keep it in your house. Thnks for the vid Mike.

  4. I have the new version got it at ECC for 175 they did shave the ring parts off to make it legal and it does look bitchin how ever they still have the kam 60 chip which sucks and I didnt realize it till the next day when I used it, it is definitely more for looks than it is for functionality and it never auto fired thank god .Had it would've had a DNA chip it'd probably be one of the sickest mods on the market.

  5. the auto fire is in the settings. when you go to vaping mode manual is for manual firing. when you release the button it stops firing. if you set it to 5 seconds or whatever duration of time it will fire for the set amount of time automatically. releasing the fire button will not stop it. this is typical in kamry chips

  6. Products and companies that cater to gangs and violence should not get the luxury of getting your review. They should be buried. The fact that they are illegal 18+ states should have been a red flag for you Mike. Respect went down a notch sir. That said, I'm seeing a trend here. Is vaping going the way of the cell phones where bigger is better? Im a stealth guy who doesn't need a huge compensation piece like this. The website says sold out but the listed price was $299!! What's next the wife beater mod?

  7. I really like it! Though I'd be hesitant to potentially damage a $299 mod on some drunk bro's thick skull, not to mention potential assault with a deadly weapon charge. It's also probably not a good idea to try to go through an airport checkpoint with that mod. That would be an easy way to lose $300 bucks. 😛

  8. First time i've watched a video from your channel Mike and i like how you review, you've got a new subscriber to your channel.
    Good detailed enough info, you express your own thought and how you feel about it and stay pretty much neutral in how or what on the rest of the review.

    *offtopic a bit. i don't understand how firearms are legal and a brassknuckles or vaping is illegal in the US, talking about double standards here..

  9. To Mike Vape iam glad u told me about the brass knuckle box mod i was going to get it becouse it ?'s kool and i also like the way you tell the truth about that mod and ur very very ??????????✌

  10. Nice Video, mike! man I've been doing research and I'm thinking of dropping a paycheck on this bad boy but I'm clueless if this mod Is illegal in the state of Alabama and it seems as if Google doesn't even have the answer? could someone help me out?

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