Dash Vapes

Innokin Gala Review: Light it up!

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  1. I'm going to be the buzzkill when it concerns that light bar. This is obviously targeting younger vapers. Now on to my biggest concern with it. With it having as small of a battery, that most pod devices have. I'm thinking this light bar will likely have a noticeable drain on the battery life.

  2. My first vape was an innokin, to be exact a T20 S, small,compact it rocked my boat,it fitted nicely in my purse, but soon found it would run out of power way too quick, so I upgraded to a innokin EnduraT22, I found this terrific,only issues I personally,although I loved the fact you never ran out of steam.however,the larger battery comprised the size, and this one did NOT fit in a purse,so for some time have been floating trying different vaping systems,besides this being a tad costly, I went back to the trusted T20 S, but I am now sooo much looking forward to the Gala, and yeah guys as a grandma of 7 grandchildren,I could possibly have been vaping far longer then the grandmas who have been showing off, on YouTube

    Thanks Dave much appreciate the info,you’re an angel.

    I hope everyone has a fabulous day/night!!!

  3. Things like "party-mode light-strips" are reasons vaping is being banned. Most adults don't care about the light strip, so lawmakers assume its marketed for "kids", or the "younger generation".
    I personally don't care; my wife quit 1 pack a day, & I'm down from 2 packs a day to 4 cigs per day.
    No¹ smokes anymore.

  4. That looks sleek, used to have a juul and it lost its fun after a couple days, been a couple months since then and i wanna get another one but i just dont have the money. The gala is something that i might buy to get back into vaping although i am not sure yet.

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