Mike Vapes

#FAIL Kangertech Ranger 200w Kit – Mike Vapes

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  1. Yeah man I know what you mean. Around November my KangerTech 160 watt special edition just died on me. And that was one rough and tough mod I dropped it a couple of times I dropped it in a puddle once I've even Vaped out in the rain with it no problems but it finally kicked the bucket. Really awesomely designed I didn't have a KangerTech tank on it because they're new tanks suck I had a twisted messes dripper on it and I still have my Twisted messes at the 0.13 ohm. And I hope they do some restructuring because they make some pretty decent mods well they used to. Unlike the reuleaux RX300 the overpriced shitbox only lasted me six months the battery door failed and the Five Ten Pin failed

  2. you can get so much good stuff for the price of this. Like the Pulse X

    Also, its ugly as hell and looks like the tank is terrible. BUT the screen and the layout in the screen is really nice.

  3. I have a kangertech subtank mini and eleaf 50watt setup, trying to stick with but i think they have stopped selling those models? What do you suggest i use now?

  4. I thought this mod would get a wow factors for the looks & features, well it's obviously not lol…
    Anyways, mike, loved your videos & reviews..
    can u review Hotcig G100 Mod single 21700 battery, i've been looking for a decent single batt mod with reasonable price, a good lifetime battery a not in-built and a nice looking too 🙂
    aegis 100 so far so good but a little outdated 🙂

  5. Kangertech has went downhill now they used to be the one of the best ecig companies hands down now they are one of the worst I started vaping on a areotank mini and an istick 30w the flavour was amazing on the 0.8ohm kanger coil heads at 10w and they were just as good as the aspire bvc micro coils not the nautilus ones as the aspire nautilus were one of the best stock MTL coils back in the day and still to this day. I had the aspire nautilus mini aswell I still vape on it then I got the kanger sub box 50w with the sub tank and that kit was amazing back in 2015 then the kanger kbox 120 came out and that was very disappointing as I loved there tanks and the sub box 50 I didnt even bother getting the kbox 200 I got the smok xcube 2 with the tfv4 instead and the tfv4 was leaps and bounds better than the kanger sub tanks. in the start 2017 i got the smok gx350 and that kit was amazing with the tfv8 cloudbeast smoktech did not disappoint me and that company is better than kanger I didn't have any issues with the tfv4 and tfv8 coils and smoktechs mods i still own the gx350 and tfv8 cloudbeast since the start of 2017 and the gx350 kit is still my work horse to this day and the istick 30w and nautilus mini and kanger areotank mini are my mtl workhorses since 2015 both are great MTL tanks in my opinion and I rewick the kanger evod heads they are very easy to rewick

  6. Mike, I am so glad you included that at one time Kanger were the leaders in Tanks and Kits for that matter because the newer vapers don't know. Love to all…Kitten

  7. Ah, so sad. Like for many other people, Kanger got me into sub ohm back in 2015. It's like they stopped innovating right after they got huge in 2016 or so. Its now 2020, and they still suck. I think alotta people, including me, would love to see them make a great comeback, dammit.

  8. I'm getting a new rta and was looking for a new mod wanted to go back to kangertech because the first one I bad was a beast for durability

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