Dash Vapes


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  1. I started vaping about a week ago with a Eleaf Invoke, I have already been watching about a 100 hours of vaping videos and I would love to move on to building my own, but Im gonna do it very slowly, there is so much to learn and I dont wanna take any unnecessary chances, Im learning battery safety, juice safety, how to avoid spitbacks. how to clean and maintain a subohm tank and all and all how to enjoy vaping right from the get go even if its on a simple sub ohm tank 🙂
    Another thing is to filter out which youtubers are good and which ones are just pushing products and or misleading information about vaping, the latter is a big no no for me!

  2. i’ve been wanting to get an RDA but i don’t really know shit about it and it doesn’t help the only vape store in my town is only good for ripping people off

  3. Best vape channel on the tube man. I really appreciate these videos ive wanted to quit snoking and start vaping for years now but it always seemed so daunting to learn everything. These videos have been my go to for vape knowledge. So thanks!!! Keep it up

  4. Iv just started building my own coils and would like some advice on ohms as my mod told me on my first attempt (ohms to low) would increasing wire gauge or number of rings on a coil make a difference?

  5. Am vaping the vandyvape prince x 90w – great mod. I used to have the smok stick prince until i dropped it and it stopped working ever since. RDA's are much cheaper to keep running than sub-ohm tanks.

  6. I recently switched from sub ohm tanks to rdta's and to be honest I love it. Way more flavor from the start. And the clouds. Boy oh boy the clouds. I don't have trouble with burned coils no more or dry hits. Plus if I think there's a problem all I do is remove the drip tip and look down. No more having to worry about what I'm going to do with the extra juice left over or having to take everything apart just to find out that nothing was wrong

  7. What are the top 5 mistakes people make with building coils for their RDA's and how you can prevent it i am using the Lavante RDA and would like to learn more about building

  8. Love ur video's have learned a lot thru them, I starting vaping bout 5 months ago. Was a smoker for like 13 yrs. then chewed for a yr. got sick of the cost & wanted to transition to something healthier & cheaper in the long run. So far been very happy with vaping 🙂 I will admit it took me a lil bit to get use to at first but overall will continue to do it from now on.

  9. Ok so im trying to build my own coils now. I bought a couple rta to do so. It seems with using the coils i got, Aliens, i cant find a sweet spot between not wicking enough and spitback. The cotton eather doesnt wick fast enough that i can only take short hits or its wicking too well that its creating spitting every hit. Ive tried them spaced out and different wattage. Ive yet to try regular wire but i wanted the best flavor and from what i seen claptons are the way to go. I know this is long but any hints, tricks, tips would help. I use cotton bacon btw. And the coils are Ni80 3-38/34 .4ohm and .22ohm for duel and single coil use. I just dont want to use expensive pre manufactured coils anymore.

  10. Just a little heads up. Dont buy Cotton Bacon. i went to CVS purchased cotton squares. 2 bags for 7$ and there are 150 non bleached makeup cleaning squares. thats 300. and each square i use a double wick RDA build, 1 square is 4 builds. Dont waste your money on "cotton bacon". its a joke.

  11. I can get 2 days outta a rebuildable. I burn off – re wick and the coils turn black right away. And the taste is gross.
    Is it the juice I use ? I'm always doing dessert vapes

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