Dash Vapes

Is Propylene Glycol a disinfectant?

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  1. It is an interesting topic, and have researched the subject some a few years ago. After contracting a disease called valley fever in the desert Southwest of AZ, l had to give up my 33-year addiction to the coffin nails and have to be really careful what I breathe to this day as there is no cure for it. I always wanted to quit and tried everything on the market, but nothing worked and was very frustrated. Thank God it all happened to be about the time e-cigs came onto the market, and was the only thing that worked for me because it mimics smoking more than anything we have ever seen. One of the very dangerous things about valley fever is that you can get lung infections very easily, and almost died with pneumonia when I had a water pipe burst and didn't know that mold was growing underneath the floorboards of the sink. So when the construction crew came in to R & R the kitchen cabinets, it stirred up the spores and made it go airborne. No one knew it at the time, and only discovered it once they got the floorboards up. A few days later, I was extremely sick and had to go to the emergency room. I spent 8 days in ICU, and the doctors told my family that I came within inches of losing my life. They pumped me full of wide spectrum antibiotics and gave me two blood transfusions, so you know that it was pretty serious. The docs were right, as I was very close to death and felt terrible. Whenever it is monsoon season towards the end of summer, the wind will blow walls of dust and always have to wear a mask that time of year whenever a storm comes in. So anyway back to the main topic of vaping, and really my point of this comment. If anyone was going to get sick if it were dangerous, it would most definitely be me and my lungs haven't felt better in years. I never get seriously I'll since I started vaping, and really saved my life in all reality ??.
    Whenever I do start feeling a little icky with a cold, I nebulize colloidal silver as well and it goes away within a few days. When I discovered the effects of silver as a disinfectant, it was about the time that I also found out about PG and how hospitals use it as a disinfectant in the HVAC ventilation systems. There isn't a lot of info on this topic, but there is some and I'm living proof that vaping quality eLiquid is perfectly safe. If it doesn't adversely affect me, then all healthy individuals will be just fine and have nothing to worry about. I knew that the flavor ban was a huge scam when people were only getting sick in North America, but there are millions of consumers all around the world and was ez to see that it was another CDC/tobacco lobbyists sham. It's been proven and verified that the illnesses were caused by black market THC cartridges, and busted the guy that was mass-producing them in his basement in Wisconsin. That's why there's not much more said about it, and the media is like crickets lol

  2. Who listens to any public health people on vaping after all the BS they spewed a few months ago?? I have seen what Dr Konstantinos Farsalinos is saying on his twitter.

  3. I’m just getting over a massive bout of not being able to breathe properly which I put down to my asthma, but I do vape and I am now wondering if I caught Covid 19 and are coming to the end of this virus. . ! I have only just seen this video and think it could be true about vaping being a sterile system for your lungs. . !.?.!.?

  4. I wish it was true. I wish it was true. I wish it was true. OK, so maybe it's not exactly true, but with the attention (especially over 50 years) I have to hope there is some truth to it. Like, I may get the flu even if I got the flu shot, but at least then it's not so bad. Here's hoping…

  5. Thank you Dash. Who knows? All I know is that I breathe way deeper since I stopped smoking and started vaping. Could you do a video on e-juice and it's shelf life. I got 2 bad batches in the last 2 weeks and I tried to take one back and it didn't go any further than the clerk trying it and saying it was fine when I know it was rancid. I am a chef and have a good palate. This is the third time I've got bad vape juice and I've only been vaping for a bit over a year.

  6. I honestly used to get sick once a year and I have only started to get sick once since I've been vaping and it was only for a day or two. Since then I have not been sick since even with this covid19 virus going around. Although i still haven't gotten tested for it but i plan to.

  7. I really get the feeling that vapers are just trying to convince themselves that they will be low risk throughout this pandemic. This is one example. This claim is just exaggerated wishful thinking, especially rite now. Put the vapes and smokes down while you still can.

  8. It probably coats the virus partical rendering it useless. But vaping I would not think would stop viriluses unless you vape second to second 247.
    Might make a difference though a little bit if you vape, but might.

  9. I have to believe there are some benefits to vaping, as I and a large number of people I know had breathing problems prior to vaping that went away. But I also recognize that quitting smoking also played a role. That being said, at least vaping didn’t continue them and potentially helped get rid of them. We need more legitimate tests to understand the truth about vaping.

  10. I can only testify that i have a friend that had severe throat pain and the lab results indicated a virus, NOT bacteria, so the only thing that helped, and within a few HOURS, was a 50 50 pg vg mix from 100vg previously used and with no positive result(obviously).

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