Mike Vapes

Is The Ultem Lost Vape Drone DNA250c Real Ultem? – Mike Vapes

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  1. Imo both the original & the new rendition are fugly! $250 bucks wtf are they vaping over there? Gimme my rage or a basium over this all day long. Nice review Mike ?

  2. I figured as much about it not being true ultem. The price tag is kind of a giveaway. I fetched one on pre-order for 160 in the same configuration you have. Seeing that door from the older drone is gonna send me on a hunt for one. That looked tight. I see in the comments about the price being high for plastic but many are paying much more for 3D printed plastic mods. Probably gonna snatch up the other configurations too after grabbing a bunch of Paranormals and seeing them now hard to find.

  3. I like Ultem I like black ultem better. I love the hear resistance and the light weight. Real Polished Ultem is sexy when it’s done right. Cheap Ultem or Ultem colored plastic looks exactly that.. cheap. Great review Mike. Tell Steve I said thanks for shipping my order out so quickly.

  4. They do want to deceive people; what they say is irelavent. Ultem is a proprietary material produced by a single manufacturer. The fact that they stated they used Ultem specifically is 100% illegal. Ultem is not a color or style; Ultem is a material.

  5. Great review Mike, personally no, not into Ultem but, I do really like the black on black. There are some good deals out there, so it might be wise to get one before LV, discontinue the 250C version.

  6. Whoever’s paying $250 for this is getting ripped off. I’ve got one in the UK in stainless and black for £120 or $157 including delivery. And it’s the same price for all colour versions. The only problem with ultem is it barely matches anything. Stainless and black looks good with both black and stainless attys which most are. Just my opinion.

  7. Just worried that polycarbonate melts a bit at 155F 68c? With RDA’s touching it always. Really that top tank area should of been harder material, like the old one, and do the plastics ultam ? i think if you have the old 166 metal you can swap over the top base to the new dna250

  8. They would have sold me one if it wasn't for that $200 to $250 price tag. I have the paranormal and I loved it but I'm not paying $200 plus for a squonk mod. Looks like I'll be getting the pulse dual

  9. Just got this badboy and it's thé Ultem one, i love it hits like a freighttrain ! Thé chip is just thé best i've ever had . Ultem or not it looks stunning and it's worth thé price , have a therion DNA75C almost 3 years never ant issues still use it everyday they only make topnotch mods Lost vape !

  10. Firstly, I own many Lost Vape mods and love the company's products.
    I have the ultem version Drone 250C and paid far below the RRP. Love the chip, love the weight, look and feel. However, I would be very pissed off if I paid full whack. The fitment on the door is absolutely disgraceful. It doesn't sit flush, pops off while squonking. Keep trying to fix it by heating and compressing it, considered installing extra magnets… Why should I have to? The quality control on these is shambolic.

    The door did not allow the bottom clasps to lock in at first, only through my extensive pressing and bending does this now work. It still does not sit flush at the top on the bottle side. Lost Vape, hang your heads in shame.

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