Dash Vapes

Is this the REAL REASON vapes are being banned?

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  1. Vape companies want to get children addicted 2 nicotine. Children who never smoked cigarettes are now vaping. It has nothing to do with tobacco. They have been trying to ban tobacco 4 years. But too many people were addicted and protested. If you never smoked but started vaping, you have a right to sue the Vape companies for billions of dollars. They are trying to claim that they are helping smokers but all they are doing is helping themselves two big profits. They don't care about your health or the health of your children. They don't have a right to get children addicted to nicotine but you do have a right to sue them for every penny they own and the right to bear arms just in case you don't get any justice in the courts.

  2. Your awesome, I love you.
    Make a video with you hitting the streets.

    If vaping was under the Msa they wouldn’t have to settle for free care, that’s so twisted. So who sells the nicotine that goes into vape products. I hope marijuana doesn’t turn into big tobacco !!!!

  3. 4deths in my city and ther botys had weed wex pans from black markit and wax pans from not sold from real fda store so tv is liying cuz its ther opining to do it now ther spanding 1,5bill to band ejuse flavers for kid but look up yyy thay diy from bad weed wax blacki markit pans

  4. What they get from the MSA payment is only a small part of it, add in the amount of money big pharma gets from smoking related illnesses, and cancer, then calculate how many people die of cancer from smoking, never making it to old age pension. Then calculate how many years all those people would have lived collecting the pensions, Cha-Frikin-Ching!!! That is why they will NEVER endorse vaping, and will always attack it. Not to mention the toxic food we have to eat, (GMO food!!) and the toxic air we breath with Geo engineering and the global warming lie. The system is corrupt, and evil, they don't give a rats @ss about us. They stole this land from the natives, plunked us on it, let us multiply with this evil agenda in mind. It was all premeditated!! and planed!!! This makes it so obvious, but people wont believe it because the idiot box (TV) brainwashes us all into believing there lies. I have no doubt they are responsible for putting the crap in the THC carts. A few months before all this broke out i seen signs on buses saying ''know the risks of vaping'' This is exactly the type of crap they pull.

  5. Why are these lung illnesses only happening to teens? In a lot of states like California, it's illegal to buy tobacco or vape products under the age of 21. So these teens are potentially going through more black market means to buy their vape products — and more likely, the illicit THC cartridges. Why aren't these lung illnesses happening to adults or people over 21, or older people who have been vaping for years? Why only TEENS who shouldn't be vaping in the first place, and have been vaping for probably less than a year?

  6. Some years ago I had my tongue go black. all the taste buds went black and after some days fell off. there were still taste buds under as the black buds fell off, So I have still got a sense of taste to date, no visible damage some week after, it was as if it didn't happen, I blamed a particular flavor I had in my vape back then. it was homebrew, IE purchased from china (2012), and I have had no side effects while using same VG PV Nic and other flavors from the same batch/supplier.

    I think it was Peach. (I was heavy on it though, it was mostly mouth to lung, with very little lung draw, I used the ego cartomizer ce3)

  7. Ummmmm 480,000 deaths a year from cigs … 41,000 from 2nd hand smoke ….. 1300 a freaking day!! Talk about an epidemic. Also, isnt tobacco and menthol and mint flavors for crying out loud!?!? Pretty sure we have entered the twilight zone people … just sayin

  8. It's worse than that. Many states sold bonds based on the MSA, basically they sold the settlement to the public to get the cash out early. Now that smoking rates are down they are in risk of defaulting on these bonds. So really, if you'd just go back to smoking and die before you can start collecting Social Security, it'd be better for them all around. More cigarette tax, more MSA payments, and less drain on SS and Medicare.

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