Dash Vapes

Is vaping CHEAPER than smoking?

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  1. Well for me it hasn't been cheaper since before I only had 0 cigs a day lol but me starting to vape helped my wife to switch to vaping which not only saves some money but also adds years of life to my son's mother which is just priceless

  2. I feel bad for you if you are spending a little less, per month, on cigarettes
    than what I pay for my house bill, per month. I believe cigarettes are cheaper in the US, but since I don't smoke, I wouldn't know. I'm hoping to convince the few family members, that still smoke cigarettes, to switch to vapes.

  3. Well for me it is cheaper one pack here is 6.20 USD and i smoke one pack a day (20 cigarettes) so 186 USD every month, 60ml last me a month+ and i use 2-3 coils a month so around 30 USD a month vaping, but keep in mind i don't use a big sub-ohm cloud chasing tank, im using a hangsen genesis v2 AIO i vape only to stop smoking cigs.

  4. I've gone crazy buying stuff. I didn't like my first mod, the Nautilus AIO, so I went and bought an Aegis Legend kit. The Aero tank on it leaked so I purchased the Alpha tank. I wanted to build so I bought a Pico Squeeze 2 + some wires and cotton, and a few tools. I didn't like the Coral 2 it came with so I went and got a Dead Rabbit. I also had to buy batteries and 2 different charging bays.

    I've spent more on vape stuff than I would have on tobacco products. However, once I get my Vindicator 21700 and Kennedy 25 in a month, I'll be done buying anything other than wire, cotton, and liquid. I estimate that liquid will cost me 500-750/year compared to 2,500/year for tobacco. Plus the healthcare costs I won't have….

  5. I guess since everyone else is talking about there quitting experience i will share as well.

    i quit smoking on Dec 16 2006, was smoking for 14 years honestly it was rough for me i was smoking 2 packs a day and it really didn't matter to me because i was around it so much i thought i would never quit. The only reason why i got a mod setup was because i wanted to taste the flavors and hopefully smoke less. It was never my intention to quit.

    When i started to smoke less i started noticing a few things like i wouldn't get out of breath so fast. That right there was my motivation, in high school i use to run a lot. like 10 miles a day a lot. so anyways when i got my mod it took me a total of 3 months to fully get off of cigarettes because i was so addicted to the day to day high nicotine i was getting. but now i make my own e-juice and am comfortably able to say i vape about $40 worth of juice a year and trust me i vape A LOT (its only cheap because i make it), and my mods last me forever i had my last one for 2 years and they cost me around $100 when i buy them. i make my own coils for the year as well and that's about $15 for the wire rounding up so in total if you include the mods every other year is about $155 a year.

    Now i can say with confidence all my lung capacity is fully back and so is are my taste buds. as long as the FDA doesn't fuck this up for us we will be in a hell of a lot better health.

  6. I save a ton of money i think i paid about $300 worth of supplies that is my mod, tank 3 sets of batteries wire to build my own coils and even ejuice supplies to my make own at home and this was over 1 year ago

  7. I have been vaping for 2 years now, I can tell that vaping is definitely save your money . First year of vaping cost me around 2500 CAN dollar beside i threw away 400 CAN China made shit afterward i spent 500 CAN per year, still cheaper 3800 CAN per year for cigarette. Cheer keep on vaping.

  8. Vaping i spend approx 15 euro’s a week on juice and Lets say a coil a week for 3 euro’s , i vape subohm 0,5 at 45 watts and i vape aaaaa looot.. smoked a pack a day which is 7 euro’s each, 49 euro’s a week… im spending 31 euro’s less on vaping than i do on vaping and vaping is a lot more enjoyable

  9. If you use pod systems it's probably about the same price. But if you sub ohm its alot more money. But the real money it will save you is no lung cancer or eczema.

  10. where l am a pack of smokes costs $40 and up and l was a pack a day smoker, my first vape was a beginner mod with tank and cost me $70 which is less that 2 days worth of smokes so vaping in australia is a shit tonne cheaper that smoking

  11. I did this vaping thing as an alternative to smoking. I think at $15 a pack I'm in the black, but I was doing native so it was about $20 a carton. I was smoking 2 packs a day. Vaping not cheaper for me but I feel healthier and I really like ejuice flavours. I don't care about money just getting my goals completed is all I'm interested in.

    Hope it works for who's ever interested!!!! Happy new year!!!

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