Mike Vapes

Laisimo iPOWER 70W TC Box Mod

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  1. yes there is alot going on with vaping. I do love to vape so I got everyone I know to join cassa and you are the reason I know what I know about vaping so thank you

  2. great review mike. thank you for bringing it to us. this was an interesting device. theres a lot of these tiny single  battery tc. devices around right now. so thank you for bringing this one to the peeps. great job mike.

  3. lol Mike you get all the odd ball gear stuff you do not see anywhere. Nice hook up you got with Element Vape. Not meant in a bad way its cool to see different stuff.

  4. hey mike I purchased this great device from element vape thanks for the great review I'm really enjoying it!!my question is,is there a silicone case for this device?

  5. Hey Mike that was a great review you did on the Laisimo 70w tc box mod. I always enjoy watching your review videos, as you've always been a pretty straight shooter about the product you're reviewing and you're pretty good at not ranting on about something you don't like about the mod you're reviewing or start bashing a company that you don't like personally and I thank you for that sir. I'm curious about the Laisimo 70w tc box mod, as I just purchased a brand new one online for a little more than $20. if you still have this mod, how do you like it after all this time? If it still works, how well does it work? Have you had any issues with it at any time since you have had it? I have also noticed recently that the Elephone ele P70 tc box mod is basically the same as the laisimo 70w tc box mod. Do you know if Asmodus is who manufactured both of them? Is there a real difference between them? Is the Elephone ele P70 suppose to be like something of a flagship device or the top of the line model of the Laisimo 70w mod? I'm curious to know if the leather "jacket" on the Ele P70 would fit the laisimo 70w mod. That's if they even sell the leather "jacket" by itself. I guess I should have looked into it before asking. lol. If you have the time to reply back and can give me your thoughts on what I asked about, I will be greatly appreciative sir. Thanks for taking the time to read this short novel I wrote and thank you Mike for all of your great videos you have already done and for all the future videos reviews to come. Keep on Vaping Mr. Mike Vapes!

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