Zophie Vapes

Lex12 Staple Vaporizer Kit & e-Liquid Review

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  1. I like having a couple of little vape pens around for on-the-go and stealth vaping situations. But yeah, probably better off with something like an Ego battery with an Evod tank, so you can at least get down to 1.5 ohm replaceable heads or something similar. 3 ohms just isn't going to perform. With a 50/50 juice you get a decent enough amount of flavor and vapor for those emergency situations. Nice to see someone keeping new vapers in mind, though.

  2. Always a pleasure to see a new Zophie vid. THANK YOU for saying Milliamp in regards to the battery capacity, people who say "mah" sound ridiculous. Keep up the good work!

  3. When making the switch from cigs to vaping, these did nothing for me. I tried for a couple of weeks and a few different brands/models. It wasn't until I got my little eleaf istick 30w and a cheap tank with occ coils that it gave me the satisfaction that I needed to move away from cigs. If you are serious about wanting to switch from cigs to vaping, spend the little bit extra and invest in a little 30w device and skip these types all together. Great review though. Love the channel. keep it up. 😀

  4. loving the bright/dark red hair, i remember having a vapor pen like that XD just not enough vapor for me lol. Anyone else catch the clip where the flower literally fell over?

  5. I think there should be more vape videos for newbies, AbbyVapes does some good ones and so does indoorsmokers. Happy to see you doing this, we need to refocus on getting the smoker off the nasty cigs. I enjoy your reviews, but we must remember why we all started this; to QUIT smoking.

  6. Good old memories… actually I keep modding EvoD, Phantoms and CE4 for friends. Still having something around.
    3:30 – Give a couple of strong hits without firing the button, and your wick will be ready to go in 2 secs.
    3:37 – "Vaper"
    4:25 – 10 secs standard cut-off, as on Evo batteries.

    It's always a pleasure to see girls around into vaping… and your fiery hair in particular always bring a smile on my face 😉

    Vape on!

  7. I bought one of these a couple weeks ago and I thought it was doing good. Then I bought a KangerTech tank to put on it and I think it's great. But it is true that this is only my 2nd vape pen

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