Dash Vapes

Man denied oxygen because he vapes | This is absurd.

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  1. I find it insane that people think/state vapers are smokers. Having been a smoker for 14 years prior, I know how much better my body and lungs in particular feel after making the switch 3 years ago. I’m unsure if the media has change government officials minds or vise versa. Government’s are no longer the voice of the people, they are telling people how to use their voice. How deny a person oxygen who has switch to vaping to help prevent further lung damage? #SaveRayYates

  2. They r boutta do this to this man.. and be hella worried about this. And there’s a massive virus spreading through our whole world. I ain’t needa say no more?

  3. Umm, they don’t allow cigarette smokers to have oxygen tanks because a cigarette is an open flame. Vape however is NOT an open flame?! Give this man his oxygen tank are you trying to kill him?

  4. lol nothing will happen because the president or whatever of nova scotia is doing it for ego, if you want him to do something you gonna have to force him(protesting violently) which seems like a good option at this point, what the fuck

  5. Ok so first time I've commented on one of your videos dash, but this is a new low and has me extremely angry! I'm in the uk and we pay income tax, national insurance and council tax which pays for the services we get, as in 'free health care' it's not as we do pay throughout our lifetime. As far as I'm aware it works the same in ns? They pay an income tax for services supplied by the government…… so himself and his wife have paid their due to the government to receive healthcare, that the government are now denying… so they are playing god with peoples lives and 'stealing' at the same time as they are not giving out what has been paid for….. regardless of a person's life choices, as tax payers, we are entitled to a level of care that we have paid for. This man made a choice to vape to get healthier to be less of a 'burden' on the health system and his reward is this? As for denying sheltered accommodation, they have denied his wife also, on what grounds? Does she vape or smoke? If she does neither then there are no grounds for denial in my eyes. He can vape outside the accommodation if that's their rules. Totally disgusted by this, and yes I have an issue with governments, even my own, what right does someone else have to deny life over another, what right does someone else have to tell you what you can and cant do, so long as you arent causing harm to others you are free men and women, you have the right to do what you want to do. I'm sorry but this is crimes against humanity! Come to the uk I will work overtime to cover the extra 'tax' it costs to save your life

  6. This IS moronic, it IS insane. In fact, the guy narrating must be mentally deficient. First if I can’t breathe and must choose to vape or get oxygen, I’m going to CHOOSE the oxygen. You do realize oxygen is explosive or at the least flammable? That’s why you cannot get oxygen if you smoke or vape. It is simple liability so stop acting like anybody is persecuting vapers.

  7. That is OUTRAGEOUS!! They are literally killing him, by taking his oxygen away. Is there a Go Fund Me page, to raise money to pay for his oxygen? It’s just so disturbing, and horrific, what they are doing to him. Totally inhumane.

  8. If he stops vaping he'll get his treatment..you gota make some effort..alcoholics don't get liver transplants unless they give up drinking..fat people don't get operations unless they lose some wheight..this guys just being lazy

  9. This ignorance has to end, swapping to vaping gave me such a higher quality of life and it doesn't bother non smokers much of any at all unless they're uninvolved.

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