Mike Vapes

Matchy Matchy! HellVape Dead Rabbit Max 28mm RDA!

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  1. It never ceases to amaze another rabbit rebuildable from hellvape.
    If anyone else followed the business models of vape companies they'd be out of business and chapter 12.
    Talking about living off of former glories.
    Manufacturing vape products in China must be five bucks each box and all. How else can they keep coming out with roughly the same stuff and selling em and making profit. Oh wait I know… aficionados like us.
    I'll pass on this though.

  2. Brother Mike u nailed this one ! ? I actually asked hellvape if they'd. Are a 28mm version of the dead rabbit v3 as I really LOVE my 28s and honeycomb airflow plus slots open then if they could have made the airflow cut off row by row ( like the bonza v1.5 to the original bonza – it makes a HUGE difference). But really man this looks like a banger other than that and the ugly driptips they always put on the matte-black ones ? give us a nice big sexy curvy tip ?
    Hehehe but thanks Mike. No doubt this up my alley and then gonna be the first dead rabbit I've bought since the drop dead so fck it – close enough , hellvape ?

  3. Great review Mike! I'm using a Dead Rabbit V3 for now but when it's time for a new one, I'll have to grab one of these.
    Thanks for the hint on the cutters, just ordered one. My old ones are getting dull.

  4. I’m guessing the air flow is gna be turbulent. (Haven’t got to that part of the video) I’m gna buy this but I gotta say it’s really sad to see the state of vaping today. They won the battle but not the war. Time is on our side and when the long term studies come out about how much safer it is, they will lose their factories for their propaganda war machine

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