Mike Vapes

Moonshot RTA by Sigelei – Two-Post – Mike Vapes

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  1. just picked one up on 101vape 15 bucks on clearance ….you have to take your time building on it, havent had a leaking problem yet, you have to wick it with care and remember to close the air flow holes b4 you fill it …..great video.

  2. Thanks for the review. I just received mine today. Honestly the only reason I bought it was because I saw them for $6 on 101 vape. I figured If I didn't like it, who cares it was $6 lol planning on throwing a build in it later today and your video is going to be a big help so thanks!

  3. I don't know where he got his tank but I have this tank too on an iStick Pico Mega and ended up paying around $50 for that setup; All new from online stores. This doesn't include batteries or juice, only the tank and mod. You have to shop around but never in-store. Vape products are always WAAYYY cheaper online. I've seen mods in-store go for $80-100, but online the same thing cost maybe $30. Do your research, if you don't wanna get scammed.

  4. This tank goes to 100 watts and is one of my favorites. It is equal to the TFV8 I used to vape at 200 watts. The clouds and flavor are equal. Yeah it's not a 0.5 second lung filler but putting this on my iStick Pico Mega allowed me to go from 3 batteries to 1 and half the size ? and it's still a 1-2 second lung filler. Huge clouds with no dry hits. It's a sleeper. Small compact, maybe even laughable to some, but it can compete with the best for sure and will get the last laugh.

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