Mike Vapes

National Call To Action. Must Act NOW!! 10-27-2015

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  1. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but this is going to keep happening until the government can make as much money off of vaping as they do tobacco and that's the line of attack we need to take is to prove the government is living off of people's death and addiction call them out on it and make them change it until then vaping is going to be in danger

  2. Where are the people who make the gear and ejuice. manufactures and juice makers needed stand with the consumers. This might be the beginning of some regulations in this industry. I did email and just called the number but it does not matter in the end. The lobbyists control the government and its laws. The industry dropped the ball and consumers will suffer. I'm in for the fight but as a influential reviewer you can call to action the companies that give you gear and ejuice.

  3. I am late to seeing your video but I have answered the call to Action. Everyone must join together and and fight this. We cannot let them take our basic rights away from us. Thanks Mike for sharing the info for folks that maybe did not know.

  4. Way to go Mike! I wrote 5 emails and two voicemails! I hope we have enough clout to slap these rat bastards down. Just like them to, work quietly in the background with no publicity to get a bill passed specifically for them. Utter bullshit! Hit that shit at 200 just for the cause!

  5. I don't know if this has been mentioned, if so great. I would also urge people to contact all politicians that are running for elections in 2016, not only for President but for all Legislators and Governors. Now would be the time to get them on the record for their support. Thanks

  6. I've been shit on by the white house along with thousands I've heard I ask everyone to also email because I was actually getting hung up on and completely ignored wouldn't take personal info said they would just pass it on for the last few days seen this at my cape store Tuesday and ask everyone that got ignored also email the white house at white house.gov thx for those fighting

  7. keep the peeps in line, Mike, we all can't stack up on vape shit, mainly juice, so i'm glad u puttn out an a.p.b. on the steam team members to step up. the brick n mortars need to posse up too due to the monetary push that is needed to back up the steam team. the sad part? think of how many busters saw your title, and because u weren't giving away anything, moved past it. fuck the haters anyways.thx for clearing up how simple it is to do our part..arato

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