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Nicotine being tested for COVID-19 supression?!

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  1. I have a friend that has recently tested positive for covid, and the day before he got his results I was hanging out with him. I hope Nicotine does prevent Covid because I was smoking like a chimney the entire time I was with him lol

  2. i had a bad heart valve replaced with a pig valve. instead of the new way to do this through the arteries, they did open heart surgery. holy fuck when i woke i felt like i was repeatedly run over by a mac truck. i spent a year going from the rehab home,back to the hospital . i never got better than before the operation. later,after telling me over and over i will be better off, they tell me they put in a valve to small and can not do it over . i was a smoker. but smoking had nothing to do with a weird valve i was born with. i was kept on patches the whole time in hospital care but never reduced. i knew i had to stop smoking and had not smoked for a long time . but once freed it wasn't more than a few days before i was smoking these fucking hell sticks. i hate them. i can't fucking breath. at the mere mention of trying to quit with vaping, everyone and their brother gave me shit. what the hell is wrong with me? how is tobacco legal. i have never had a problem putting down any other drug,and believe me, I've had fun with them all.even drank like a fish at times, but never continued to hurt myself with them. basically i guess i just grew up and lost interest. but the one that does NOTHING for you, i can't stop. it is bugging me so bad.

  3. Seems like another AD for big cigarette companies lmao. Let’s get all these people that are stressed out about covid on these nic patches so they’ll go buy a pack of cigarettes when they get off work. Never know what they’ll say and do to lure people back in, it’s getting desperate for those companies.

  4. THC kills the virus too. Everyone at my work have been sick with then Corona virus , except me. I bet high like everyday. At least one gram a day.

  5. It started because someone noticed that of all the Coronavirus cases at their Hospital, only about 3% smoked! So some researchers did a study and found it true across a lot of Hospitals. That was France as I recall. So the fact it that in a population where about 20% of people smoke, only about 3% of smokers are hospitalised with Coronavirus.
    Just pointing out that it isn't a randomly generated study – it has a genesis in the observation that smokers seem to get less Coronavirus.
    Maybe it's because most Coronavirus patients are really old and with pre-existing health issues – most really old people with health conditions don't smoke lol. So that's why they're doing the research now.

  6. I had COVID and was juuling, drinking, and smoking the entire time I was sick. I beat the disease in a week and a half. I had my flu shot in January and got sick at the end of March.

  7. My fear is that some will skew this news and start telling others that vaping kills Covid-19, and there you go, I have no toilet paper OR VAPE JUICE. UGH!!!!!

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