Mike Vapes

OBS Crius 2 – Single Coil RTA – Wicking Tutorial – Mike Vapes

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  1. So I just got this one 2 days a go, but I build it with a kanthal coil. 26G kanthal, 3mm diameter coil doing 1 ohm. Wicked it exactly the same as shown in this vid and got nothing but dry hits on 25 watts. As soon as I burn the juice I put on when priming the wick, it doesn't soak up any juice it seems. Really bad dry hits with like a 3 to 4 second draw. i'm really puzzled as this sort of coil works perfect on any other RTA I own (Got 6 other RTA's and never get dry hits with those). Ant thoughts?

  2. Γεια σου ρε τρέλα μπορώ να αντικαταστήσω το ζιρκόνιο με ένα μεταλλικό κομμάτι από άλλον atomizer?

  3. Real nice. I wanna score one of these. I think I am sticking to rta's/rba's. Ive never owned a squank mod before either so I want this RTA for sure but I'm also ready to try a squank kit. Do you have any suggestions on a good affordable squank kit Mike. I'm out of work due to breaking my neck and back so my funds are very limited but I have to quit smoking cigarettes. Please let me know which way to go Mike. Your the king when it comes to this vape world and I respect your knowledge and the time you put into your reviews. Thank's again Mike Vapes and as always keep on vapeing brother !!!

  4. I think this tank is amazing. I was really surprised when he said "not bad." If this tank is just "not bad," what is a good tank then? Serious question. What's a better tank than this?

  5. Hey mike, I recently bought the Crius V2, its amazing. However, the base slipped while rebuilding the zirconium shattered. Do you by any chance know if I can buy just that piece or if I have to replace it? Great video as always.

  6. The reason for it being Zirconia is the fact that it is holding down both the positive and negative lead. They needed the toughest non conductive material available.

  7. Properties of Zirconia
    Zirconia has excellent resistance to chemicals and corrosion without the typical brittleness common in technical ceramics. When compared to other advanced ceramic materials, zirconia has exceptional strength at room temperature. Other principal properties of this material include high fracture toughness, high density, high hardness and wear resistance, good frictional behavior, high temperature capability up to 2,400ºC, non-magnetic, low thermal conductivity, electrical insulation, coefficient of thermal expansion similar to iron, and modulus of elasticity similar to steel. Over the years, a new name was coined for zirconia called ‘ceramic steel’.

  8. Am I the only one that think that triangular screw is a really bad decision?
    Misplace or lose the tool and you`re up shit creek friend`o..
    Could probably make it work with the right size flathead, but, yeah.
    I`m the guy who keeps the boxes for my devices, so when they come with a tool, I keep the tool in the box so I won`t lose it.
    Like the mesh-bending rod that comes with the profile rda, keep it in the box 🙂

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