Mike Vapes

OXVA Origin X AIO – RDTA & RBA Accessories

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  1. Nice little unit that is for sure. I am not a MTL Vapor at all. I like that they are making a re-buildable coil available for it so it can be a step up for newbies. It is good that they are making all the extra parts available also. Good step up unit.

  2. great review mike! for some reason i kept holding off on getting the origin & the x & now i know why! i cant freakin wait for this….course i'd love 2 get the nice LE box set tho

  3. Mike: "It makes a buzzing sound"

    Me: Nope, thanks for review!

    Also, can someone tell Mike or whoever is doing the editing that the music doesn't have to drown him out?

  4. Nice review and i like the device, already pre ordered it for me and a second for my girlfriend.
    Regarding the "wattage limit" think about this: there is no upstepper like in the most (if not all) pod mods duo to the extra size it would need i think. So the maximum wattage is limited duo to the chip or let's say the battery voltage left like in any unregulated / mechanical devices. It's just honest to show the maximum usable wattage concerning the coil you use. You only can step down the wattage. In the drag x for example you can raise an 2 ohm mtl coil to 80 Watt… Sure… So you got your 89 watts at the display but… Try to use it, good luck 🙂 it want hit harder than 4V (fresh Batterie) with 2 ohm what like 8 (eight) watts. But… You got your display telling you 80 for example. If you think about like this… The way the origin is "limitated"… It just honest. And should no problem for anybody that is used to build coils for unregulated devices.

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