Zophie Vapes

Pop Bot e-Liquid Review Part 2 Drink & Soda Flavors Max VG

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  1. This comment is irrelevant but I'm always watching your videos and you have really nice eyebrows, I think they'd look even better if you defined them/filled them in. Also, I love the way you do your eye makeup and the clothes you wear, you have a really cool style and you always get a laugh out of me. <3

  2. lol i like your videos, and u flying across the screen on rollers? epic. 🙂 i believe vaca azul means blue cow, which my be a blueberry milky type flavor. i love anything blueberry or strawberry. well, maybe not everything but most. stay wonderful, Z, and keep the vape scene gleaming! #steamteamactīvity

  3. you have the sexy reviewer thing going, much better looking than the rest of them. I just think you could step it up to the next level and do these in a bikini for the win.

  4. how do you not set your fire alarm off every time i use my mod the fire dpt ends up showing up and every tiem i try to disable to fire detector it ends up going off and the fire dpt comes

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