Dash Vapes

Probably the dumbest “Vape Study” yet…

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  1. They dont understand that kids vaping are sometimes because they want to be cool infront of their friends. So its obvious that if they got into vaping because they wanted to be cool or because of friends they will vandalise and do stuff with friends just to be cool aswell. Vaping has nothing to do with it. Its a choice to stay home or run away.

  2. what a fucking joke why are these universities wasting time studying idiotic shit like this? do the same study 15 years ago with cigarettes and you'll find the same thing.. it's nothing to do with vaping it's that these "delinquents" will always be attracted to things they aren't "allowed" to do

  3. i actually started vaping before smoking since i was in a very high stress, started smoking at my job then i quit smoking and went back to vaping and now i dont vape or smoke anything

  4. I'm 15 and I vape like for 2 years. I didn't do any violence or gang activity. I'm really against that. I don't know why they thought all of the teen vapers are just crazy lunatics. I know it's bad for me but I'm trying stop vaping and start a healthy lifestyle. I don't know why I vape but I think I get into it by myself. Btw it is a really stupid study tho.

  5. In 11th grade health class they talked about how your friends might ask if you want to hit their vape and secretly be putting crack in it. I love how schools never know what's going on.

  6. First of all, I appreciate how you said "pop" before "soda" . That's some true North shit. Second…. WHAT?!?!? ARE THEY SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? It almost seems deliberately fabricated because of an ex boyfriend that vaped or something. These mofos… SMH ??‍♂️?

  7. Dave I wanna be one of probably many Texan’s here to say sorry for the study of idiocy! I live far from San Antonio but I do live in Texas and I do vape. Life is normal and fine

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