Dash Vapes

PROOF that adults need flavors.

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  1. Im 17 and I vape… Mainly for tricks. And I use a device or vaporizer called a Leap. They go for $20 and I believe that includes a pack of pods. The flavors arrange from. Minthal, Mint, Artic Berry, Tobacco(gross in my opinion to vape or to do tricks with), Watermelon Kiwi, Cremy Mint, Island Creme(sweeter version of tobacco) .. all I have tried but idk if there are more. These pods are 4.8% nicotine and I believe the pods hold 1.3 ml or 1.7 ml. The only reason I have a Leap is because it is afforadble for me currently and it does the job fir simple vape tricks. I do plan on getting a box mod. And also Leap is not the only device that has run through my High School. I have seen or used the following, JUUL(1st vape I used/tried), Sorin Air, Sorin Drop, Breeze, Novo, Leap, and another I dont now the name if but it is bigger than the Leap and you have to push a button to euther turn it on or to use. So I have ran into quite a lot of vapes.. kinda. I live in North Carolina in tge U.S. .

  2. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I’ve been trying to relate this very thing to others! Limit the nicotine but not the flavor. Youth are always looking for a thrill. Lower the nicotine and they will move on to something else. Vick, an advocate and reviewer in the UK, spoke of this…among other things that I found agreeable. Taking a view of how our British allies handled this situation could very well help our cause. I know many won’t like having to deal with lower nicotine but it’s way better than not being able to vape at all!

  3. I aggree with statement of nicotine strenght regulation. But TPD law is not that perfect as you imagine, believe me. In other hand, i as citizen of European Union can tell that youth which are interested in vaping do not want nicotine liquids at all. In my country many of people under 18 years old (legal age for smoking and drinking alcohol) are trying to vape only because it is "cool". When i was 14 or 15 we were regular smokers of cigarettes (vaping did not exist in that time). Teenagers these days have more opportunities like we have and vaping is more stylish, easier to hide from parents and of course, more "delicious" than regular smoking. But put your hand on a heart and ask yourself if you were different in that time. I was cigarette smoker for 12 years, currently i am only on vaping for 2 years. I am really glad that i am living in Europe and right now we are not affected by illegal THC liquids, deaths etc. And i really hope and wish you best of fortune to disappear this awful drama what is in USA and Canada. Greetings from central Europe, Slovak republic.

  4. As a heavy former smoker even 12mg was too much. I am at 6mg and it's fine. I also vape strawberry watermelon bubblegum and I'm 51. I never chased a nicoteen buzz with either smoking or vaping. Can't see that being pleasurable at all. Somehow the kids do. Very informative video thank you.

  5. Ait look im 14 startes smoking when i was 7 stopped at 10 to begin with vape but in norway its legal to USE vape with no age limit but 18 is the age to buy vape products im prod to say that i Smok 2 Ml Nicoline now 🙂

  6. Isn't tobacco a flavor????? Which tobacco flavor???? There are dozens of different tobacco flavors. I use tobacco flavors and have done so for years- RY4 is my Favorite, produced by Hiliq (China)

  7. I’m 24 and I only use 0-3 nic and it helps just fine. regulate the nic not the flavors also if they want to ban vaping for causing people to get “sick” they need to ban cigarettes because it causes cancer at least they have cured most the people that are “sick” you can’t cure cancer.

  8. I'm not american but this fucking infuriates me. the level of ignorance and negligence i unprecedented. Anti Vaping shills (no doubt influenced by big tobacco) are arrogantly throwing businesses and lives to the wind and if the truly cared about the kids they'd ban cigarettes witch could actually kill them. I'm Scottish and the UK has a lot of stupidity with in it luckily we can see past the fear mongering in this case and we hope to completely eradicate smoking all together. best of wishes guys :/

  9. when i started smoking i was 14 its ez how to get it if you know were to i started small then ended up to smoking 2 to 3 packs till i was 18 i did not do it for the high i did it for my stress. then i tried out my first vape i started at 18 mg of nic and now im down to 3mg if its was not for vaping it could of been so much worse thanks to flavors i was able to change and i can now exercise without a shortness of breath or coughing all the time and a bonus no one needs to know i have asthma what is odd to me i dont get my attacks anymore if you read this good for you glad you took the time to read im not a great typer. but banning vapes in general will make it so much worse the blackmarket will thrive and more deaths will come sadly to say government does not care #bloodmoney big tobacco msa agreement

  10. I was thinking the same thing changing flavors won’t do a thing the kids don’t care about the flavors all they care about is the nicotine high meanwhile adults are trying to get the lowest amount of nicotine so that they can quit smoking

  11. I got phlegm in my throat and it was hard to get it out then I smoke my vape and after about an hour I easily release almost all the phlegm in my throat. The vapor made my throat moist because it was dry and now I can breath clearly thanks to my vape.

  12. Adults have tastebuds too, that’s why they make flavored alcoholic beverages, so ban those too. In fact, just ban anything flavored and we can live in a bland, flavorless world.??‍♀️?

  13. all i’m gonna say is i’m in the eu and my mum smoked nearly 20 cigs a day and she went from 18mg to 12mg and said because to her 12mg is enough to deal with

  14. When I started vaping about 5 years ago. I went for the highest nic strength I could find at the time, 24mg. (Before the time of nic salts)
    My reasoning was I had been smoking 30+ years and smoked 1-2 packs per day. I think most people probably do this in the beginning.
    At 24mg I darn near poisoned myself. Can't imagine anyone vaping a higher level than that. Second time I got a 18mg strength which was perfect, and helped me get off cigarettes.
    I have slowly dropped my nic strength down to 6 mg. I personally do not like the fruit or candy flavors as they are much too sweet for my taste.
    I prefer Coffee, spices (cinnamon) liquor (bourbon or brandy) or some light tobacco flavors. Recently started DIY so I can experiment a little too.

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