Mike Vapes

Proper Way in My Opinion To Do SS316L Coil Placement – Mike Vapes

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  1. I've gone back to spaced for work time now too and prefer it. As soon as I saw myself using claptons, aliens, etc on a daily basis, I knew spaced coils would make my life much easier and give me just as good of a vape. More forgiving as far as wicking though – cotton doesn't burn as easy as contact coils. Cheers Mike?

  2. Great Idea Mike, love this sort of content, there's not enough of this type of tuition video on You Tube.

    Sure experienced and Noob vapers will enjoy your experience and knowledge. As I was once told "the best thing to do with advise is to pass it on"

  3. I always space my SS builds when I'm using them for temp control, but when I want to rip in wattage mode, I use contact coils. I still only pulse around 26 to 28 watts, but I give the coils a light raking. Always get all hot spots out. When I space for temp mode, I do nothing to them and they still turn out perfect. NO HOT SPOTS.

  4. Spaced Coils is the way to go, they are easier to work with and fire up right away. I am of course one of the rare people who vape exclusively in TC which is another benefit to using Spaced Coils. When I am at my local vape shop I will often do builds for people and will try to teach them how to build. I do show them how to make both contact and spaced coils as well as spacing out premade coils like Mike showed in the video. I will often do one coil and let them do the other so they get some experience and if they like the build I will let them make extra coils they can take home with them. When these people see how easier it is to make the spaced coils as well as how easy they are to work with they will often chose spaced. Some prefer contact coils and its a preference and everyone has their own unique preferences and that's fine but if you have never tried spaced coils then pull out an empty addy and play with them to see if its an option for you or not.

  5. That's a strong method, but even pretty simple to set these SS contact coils in at very low wattage, like a .15 @ 30watts, yeah takes some time but the vape is worth it!

  6. I know this is an old video but I really hope someone can help me
    I've been trying ss coils and yes ive been pre heating them properly as shown low watts but after that i wick and use i get maybe a couple hours then they taste like metal i only vape about 65-85 watts i do bounce around a bit but they always taste dead to me currently have stagger fused claptons. Ss316L vandy vape spool wrapping myself any ideas why im having this issue

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