Mike Vapes

ReCurve 22mm Top Caps – WoToFo – Mike Vapes

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  1. My favourite RDA, i love this new caps. Maybe it´s to much to ask but I would love either a brass/copper version of this new shape or the original one, because I love to use it with my brass dreamer mech. Excelent job anyway!!

  2. Hey mike, i just picked another recurve up the other day, i now own 2 and they are both my go to rdas for squonking!! And yes i also own a profile and still use the recurve over that!!! I need to get hold of some of these caps though!!! Happy days!!!

  3. Just got my recurve and stumbled upon this video. Dude you are such a legend. I will be getting every one of these caps because this rda is my absolute go to ! Props man. You did good with this one as well as the new caps

  4. i want to buy the 22mm cap in solid black but i can not find it aanywhere, not even in wotofos website, mike can i buy it from your site can someone help me out on how to get it? i live in greece

  5. Hey mike when will that top cap arrive here in the philippines??love that looks and waiting aswell for the recurve dual..please please i want the stainless 22mm recurve caps..

  6. This is the best rda I’ve ever used man. Sadly mine was confiscated by the police here in Thailand and can’t find it anywhere. I hope you can suggest any online shop that ships to Thailand. I’ve got mine from aliexpress but they got sold out. I wish you can help me man.

  7. Unfortunately the paint from the inner part of the black top cap is coming off. I wiped the inside after vaping, the tissue came out black! The wicks were black also, so it's a health hazard! Be aware of this issue, check your top cap after vaping and stay safe. This issue is only regarding the conversion cap.

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