Mike Vapes

Geek Vape Zeus X Mesh RTA!

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  1. Hy mike.. I'am your fan's from malaysia.. Malaysia right now all vape shop be close. Corona virus take over malaysia right now? soo sad.. No Lequid no cotton.. Back to smoking???

  2. I agree with you 100%. Hard no for me with the mesh rta/rda, I don't see the attraction, I tried a couple mesh rdas and never even used them enough to get a full on dry hit, got a couple of dry-ish hits that were bad enough. Give me some fused claptons and 100watts, I'm happy. The mesh needs to be left to the subohm tanks and manufactured coils.

  3. Great review Mike. I don't know if I would ever do a mesh rta because I would always worry bout getting a dry hit and I hear dry hitting mesh kills. I'm good wit that lol

  4. Mike. Just some tricks for your next mesh review. First I think you need more cotton, another strip more or maybe half, second, use the extra spring and place it together with the one that comes in place, you won't have any dry hits that way, trust me?

  5. I've been a subscriber for YEARS now and for some reason this didn't show up in my notifications? Anyways excellent review! Definitely want to check this one out! I own the profile unity RTA as well as the kylinM mesh RTA while I enjoy them both however the unity RTA leaks out the air-flow no matter how I wick it, which is why I prefer top air-flow design ???

  6. I broke my blotto rta, bought a kylin mesh I was hooked bought another blotto yesterday, I realized mesh tanks hit funny but might pick this up mesh is cool though so bunch of thoughts lol

  7. I just started my RTA journey and building and I only have the Doom Mesh RTA right now and I love it. I vape it at a lower wattage than reccomended (35w) and haven't gotten a dry hit yet. I definately want this one! Thanks for the review 🙂

  8. hey Mike, i am waiting for a review for the steamcrave aromamizer plus v2 advanced kit.
    i hope you will do it soon, greetings richard from the netherlands

  9. I cant seem to change from mesh to coils. Ever since I got the Kylin M RTA, everything else tastes worse to me. I am a cool vape person, not a warm though. Of course there are crap mesh RTAs out there, for example the Doom Mesh RTA. Also waiting tomorrow for the Aromamizer Supreme v2 with the Mesh Deck tomorrow. Hope it'll be better than the Kylin M! The Zeus X Mesh doesnt look very promissing, but I'll give it a try when its out. Thanks for the review!

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