Mike Vapes

Smok E-PRIV Kit With the V12 Prince & Dual Mesh Coils – Mike Vapes

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  1. Excellent presentation Mike! Always the best info & opinions from u!
    I like it, it looks really cool! Love that blue! Centered 510, Finally Smok u started doin it! Or continued it on past the I-Priv rather.. that battery door is how they Should be made! I'm disappointed those new cobra mesh double coils aren't doing anything special…but it is Smok coils we're talkin bout here sooo… maybe they'll get it rite one day! If they ever decide to listen to us!

  2. Hi Mike Im a big smok fan and just bought the e priv and love it . just to let you know that the plus and minus work at each end and you can use the same button to go up and down . good review cheers

  3. Smok is a good company to me. I love smok bc I've seen so many ppl stop smoking thanks to this company regardless if you hate them or not that should make you feel good inside knowing vaping of some kind helps smokers, now on to the duel mesh coils. I heard alot of stuff about the new mesh coils. Some bad some good and I can honestly say the duel mesh coil is a WIN WIN WIN!! Flavor is insane. Ain't gotta run it high watt at all. It's a win for me.

  4. I like SMOK a lot so far. The coils last very long (for me) (between 4000/7000 hits). I use Sigelei MT220 with SMOK TFV Prince12. This looks like interesting product, a little expensive though.

  5. I had this mod less than a month..switched the batteries out an the latch broke. it just was not built correctly to latch with the pressures of the batteries. The latch will not latch anymore. Very frustrated. I wouldn't advise anyone to purchase this mod.

  6. See you can see Mike had trouble latching the battery door. This really bummed me out. looking for a new mod now! Just letting anyone who may be thinking of purchasing this I'm telling you the problems I had. An it was after the first time I switched out my batteries.

  7. Hey Mike. What would be in your opinion the best tank for flavor? I noticed you said you didn't really care for the one that comes with this kit. That you had ones you liked better. What is your top 3 or 5 tanks. Thank you

  8. Hi Bro I'm Umair From Pakistan. I love ur video. I have a little concern about smok devices in pakistan because there is a copy devices everywhere and not a original one, so i'm facing many problems. i request you to send some of 1 Smok device i shall be highly thankfull to you plz. Thanx i hope you understand my problem. Muhammadumair_678@hotmail.com

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