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Schools are starting to do “Random Nicotine Tests”

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  1. Schools who does this should actually be protested and potentially even sued by parents. Why? Because restricting extra-curricular activities does absolutely nothing other than limit what colleges kids can go to after they finish school. The schools are therefore, knowingly and purposefully, damaging a child's future prospects and potentially causing severe financial damage… Schools are not police. Schools have zero right to take punishments into their own hands. If something illegal is being done, they have to call the police, it's as simple as that.

    Whatever happened to the days where teachers actually taught?

    Another thing: surely the kids have the right to demand production of a warrant for urine tests to be carried out? I mean, cops can't force a test without a warrant, why do teachers think they can? Do they seriously believe they're more important than the legal system and the law itself?

  2. I think that it's a bit on the extreme side.
    Education would be the better way to go rather than making it so strict at school kids will rebel.
    I have met an underage teen who was vaping, he hadn't smoked cigarettes but was vaping a 50 mg nic salt. Smh…I don't get it. I guess they do it for the head buzz?

  3. I work at a vape shop down in Texas and I find that most underage kids are getting vapes from their parents. I have to turn away several parents almost every day because they cant provide ID for the person they are buying for. And with the tobacco age going up in September, I feel I'll have more instances of this

  4. are they realy that stupid? lol this whole vaping epidemic thing is so absurd i m starting to think it is all hoax. Btw if they wont buy by themselfs somebody else will profit on it.

  5. sugar is more dangerous than nicotine in the amounts the eat it, meses with developing brains, causes obesity, changes pH in your body to more acidic and it causes cancer. yet nobody gives a fuck

  6. I smoked in high school, weed and cigs. Teens will do whatever the fuck they want, the more you tell kids not to do something the more they will. Kids shouldn't vape, however, I smoked because vapes did not exist 15 years ago. I do not want kids to do either but I am not some pearl clutching, soccer mom either. I would rather them vape. Preferably a 0 nic juice. But keep on like you did back in the " violent video game cause muh shooters and heavy metal makes little Jimmy worship satan rhetoric. It does not work, let kids be kids. They will just go crazy at the millisecond they turn 18 if you try to control them too much. And then the dumb ass government will get involved and they fuck up everything they touch.

  7. It seems the more you make something off limits, the more kids want to do it. It’s always been that way. If you say “no”, we would go through hell to get it. But if it were ok, we got board with whatever it was. Most of the time anyway.

  8. In my personal opinion the school has no rights what so ever to do a nic test, I’m 17 I vape 1.5 mg in a Smok novo, My mother purchases the juice for me and I started vaping with 28mg and now down to 1.5 mg so the schools can fuck off

  9. I actually agree with this, and that's coming from someone that vaped in highschool before it was "cool" or even a popular option. I started buying the blu's more than cigarettes when they came out, and switched to actual vaping when I turned 18. I think the schools should test for nicotine, but also have an as-long-as-it-isn't-on-campus policy for 18+ students.

  10. This is the most stupid shit ever, it's going too far ?? what about when smoking cigs was an actual popular thing? They didn't even do anything about that! But how about pot heads tho? I'm surprised no one is talking about that or doing anything about it for their students coming to class high ?

  11. Good thing I just got out.. i would tell any admin trying to "nicotine test" me to suck my fucking dick and get the hell away from me that shit ain't flyin in my USA

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