Mike Vapes

VandyVape Mato RDTA!

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  1. I don't understand this facination with steel wicking lately.
    Old technology, we should be pushing forward not backwards.
    Plus they only done this because of the brunhild rdta

  2. Yeah, I like the steel cables for wicking. I use all 3 of my Brunhildes with various coil configs and they all do great. Tall tanks don't bother me, But I do like the single coil idea though. Thanx for the vid Mike. Think I'll grab one when I can find it.

  3. Neat, the made a vapefly brünnhilde! And made it look kinda like the Widowmaker.

    Not gonna lie though, the honeycomb airflow is a nice touch.
    But personally I like the look of the vapefly brünnhilde more though. And that has actual glass!

  4. Nice review Mike but I would add that there is an issue with these RDTA's. You can't simply flush the coils under a tap to clean them because the tank fills up with water.. I think the deck needs to come off with a 510 beneath it.

  5. Hey Mike First of all ! Super Review! You doin ist right in the fact that you Used this Type of rdta for the First Time ??
    You should try the Steampipes Corona V8 Rdta !!
    You would love ist!! This Atty is a Little on the expansive Site but they are manufacterd in Germany and have 4 steel rods for Dual coil Inside!
    Best flavour and atty for me and some Germans too

    Please like this for the Review ✌?

  6. fucking recurve …but no way it does the same air injection as te recurve..the recurve got the same air holes but it has them as small tubes ..this one is just the configuration without the same specs

  7. Mike PCTG is not a problem with tank crackers. Regular PC is shit. China probably decided to use plastic as most high end use PC to cut costs and people still spend absurd amounts.

  8. I haven’t gotten to try out an rdta/rta yet I think I’m going to order myself one of these along with a squonk mod. Anyone got a good recommendation for a squonk mod?

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