Dash Vapes

Should you be worried about “Second-Hand Vape”?

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  1. Thank you for doing this video. Me and my wife both vape in the house and our 8 year old son likes to play in the clouds at times and I’ve always worried it’s bad for him. I also have 10 turtles and a bearded dragon that I was hoping it wouldn’t affect. Thanks ?? again brother.

  2. Do only males vape? These videos are great, fabulous even. But, I wonder if I'm the only female vaping, and there is no evidence in these videos that females vape.

  3. Tobacco is a drug which is harmful to your health…. Legal
    Cocain is a drug which is harmful to your health…. Illegal…
    This world is so fucked up ?

  4. Thanks for these informative videos. We need more things out in the public that present the positive aspects of vaping since the media and health officials do not want to focus on the factual unbias research.

  5. Hello dave im a starter vaper and started 2 weeks ago. i love watching your videos. becouse it doest include content that starter vaper or all vaper MUST KNOW things>>

    on my situation i bought a vape myself due to its lower risk rather than smoking so i tried to promote vaping as well to y relatives who are smokers and make them to turn into vaping as an alternative.. so as said i bought products (vapes) for them and as i bought them online im skeptical on finding their authenticity.. i tried to google and look for videos here on you tube on how to check their authenticity but youtube lacks content on checking vape brands authenticity i was only able to find SMOK product but i was looking for vaporesso product and i cant find one>>

    im looking for their authenticity to avoid imitations and bottom line promote user safety. (u know what i mean)

    as said may i request your channel to feature on how to check vape products authenticity if you cannot cover ALL BRANDS
    i hope you will cover top 10 or top 5 brands that people buy and i hope vaporesso is one of them

    thank you

  6. What about kissing? I started vaping after finding out my gf is pregnant. Can kissing her after vaping, maybe having spit back, or juice residue on my lips cause harm to the baby?

  7. i got into vaping through second hand vaping. i smelled some vapor from a guy vaping at my school. and then i asked him to try, and then i was completely hooked. and now im 15 and have been vaping for 2 years now.

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