Mike Vapes

Smoant Charon MiNi 225w TC – Mike Vapes

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  1. my smant cylon has an inset screen and a bad tank leaked and went under the screen it has no over screen protector like this charon mini, on the cylon you can get your fingernail under the screen and mod and is recessed and my letters andother info is part bright and part cloudy in a shape of aliquid squished under plastic so i am sure this model is a make up for them first making good money on a bad product and then coming out with the same thing in a better way or my smok xpriv , my x prive blew a hole in the botom b/c i did not notice i small rip in battery but i am still suprized it did that for if the battery holder would be plastic and shouldn't happen. but i am angry that they made the same smoat cylon but upgraded in battery door issue where i put a small peice of black velcro on for great extra safty. magnetic dors should be used if one cannot get their bottom battery doors right. as far as these companies they will fix things and call it an upgrade, they did so well with the charon but yet whats with the raised 510 connector, something is weird with these companies, china i think has a watch group to make sure nobody out does another company too much, after all they can all be one company under the guise of communism

  2. I realize it’s an older video, but you knocked it pit of the park with this review. You are among the elite reviewers on YouTube. I completely respect and trust your opinions. Thanks Mike. Stay cool ?

  3. here's a major CON for me. The base is shaped very badly. Putting this mod down on a table there are times when it would wobble. It has toppled multiple times on me.

  4. without a doubt this is a fix of the terrible display on the smoant cylon. mine is in the city dump know. the window display was terrible as far as if you had a bad tank and it leaked in went under the framed window and my info. faded, i can get my finger nail easily undr the frame of didplay . i acctually fixed buy blow drying it but i tried to fix my tank happenned again and that was it the juce must have shorted every thing . this is the same with an improved display protectin, i may just get this.

  5. got my charon mini , i like it but another thing you will find as being rediculous, when tou put it don they fall over, the btom is all swaged like a steoo 45 deg angle , no reson a bad floor. why not keep the bottom saqaue and have the bottom real estate to keep it standing , i have to gentl and be mindfull on puttin id down b/c of thit bottom . there is no room to keeping secre and stand well they gusg could have kept the bottom squared, , if it is about savind bit of plastic or purposly done and i bet this same model coes out with a differnt name and the bottm right

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