Mike Vapes

The VooPoo Argus P1 Is Sexy!

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  1. I don't like disposable pods for the same reason I don't like disposable vapes – very environmentally unfriendly. Puts my right off any pod without changeable coils; it's a trend in vape pods this year that's very disappointing

  2. Hahahahaha the Mr. T of lanyards! I didn’t even watch the video yet, just caught the short. Too funny! Tell Steve I said hi, I’m sure you’ll see him the next time you make a vid.

  3. Damn, wife's gonna kill me for buying another vape?. Thank you for the video. On a side note, you can always spot a Jai Haze fan with the gold comments. I never heard or read anybody state a hatred for gold until after Jai did lol. Thank you again for the video MV?

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