Zophie Vapes

SMOK KOOPOR Knight Vape Kit

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  1. I purchased one of these but how do you decide what settings to use, aside from what is listed on the atomizer coil doodad. Are there safe ranges? If I get good smoke but not alot of flavor, what can I change? I'm sure you get loads of comments but I hope I can get some useful feedback. 🙂

  2. hi Zophie… I love watching your reviews… I quit smoking about 3 and a half years ago, but i do miss the smoke clouds… Can you recommend something easy to start with that produces nice thick clouds? I have done some research and from the little i have seen, i tend to like the Smok brand… Thanks, keep up the great reviews

  3. If you have anything to giveaway or what you don't use anymore! That is a good mod for clouds I'd love it. To quit smoking cigarettes. Love your videos!

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