Mike Vapes

Smok RPM4 Pod Mod!!

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  1. Man. These reviews. They have to kill your soul. Reviewing shit. That has to suck. I would honestly struggle to be this positive about a device like this. But. Mike is a Pro.

  2. Mike, does it have good flavor??
    ??? Just kidding, bro! Not into Pod systems and won't buy Smok products, but as always, good review, thank you! ??

  3. Nice review Mike!
    Waiting for RPM10 to come out, maybe consirder buying it then after they "fix" something more… 😀
    Hate companies throwing out devices every week like this, what if I buy RPM4 and they come out with RPM5 a week later with "fixed" issues.. why did they release the previous one then? Money grab as usual.

  4. The rpm coil is a solid line up with 6 or 7 choices including a RBA head while the lp2 is a new lineup with only 2 choices idk why they do that even the rpm 2 line only has 2 choices and instead of adding to that they made another line with about the same resistance capacity hopefully they add more options or at least make a rba

  5. That symbol above the resistance – I'm assuming it is supposed to look like a coil – I think the omega symbol or just typing out "Ohms" would be better… Thanks for the review Mike!

  6. Im guessing that flavour dig was at me since I asked recently lol I watch your videos till the end and I look forward to a flavour Rating on a tank as that helps me when deciding what to purchase. I know you say flavour is good but we need Mike's flavour rating.

  7. Mike, you KILL me, everytime you say "Smoke/smock". Love it!!

    Also, I've detailed cars, boats, rv's for years!! When you have that eye for detail, it trickles over into all the work in your life.

  8. Mike, You need to improve your reviews man, Give us a rating for pre-built coils like flavor scale 1-10 and longevity of coils! this is very important for lots of ppl. This one (LP2 Meshed 0.23Ω) for example you give it like 9 or 8 or 7?

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