Zophie Vapes

Someone Hurt Me

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  1. People love u. Don’t be ashamed for asking for help. What this guy did was wrong and now ur stuck with a problem he caused. Great idea to use the rest for a charity. ?

  2. It's at least assault and probably also molestation / sexual assault bc you were touched and handled without your permission. Sexual assault most likely so the police don't care. I'm so sorry! consentual e-hug

  3. holy…..shit….i hope you are ok now…what an asshole..guess he was trying to show off to the pretty lady and it backfired…this is why i don't drink so much!! you rule btw i am not a massive vaper but trying to quit smoking :S have been binge watching your videos to get some tips!!! i hope this does not put you off hugging strangers!!! xx

  4. I feel so sorry for you, this is why I am thankful I live in Scotland and we have/get free health care, some have go pay for dental treatment and individuals who stretch their ears and want them sewn back need to pay but other than it everything is free and as much as I love America, i couldn't live there with the amount of medical care i recieved sadly x

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