Mike Vapes

Adonis Max 100w Stabilized Wood Mod By Arctic Dolphin – Mike Vapes Live!

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  1. These Chinese factories are taking the piss with pricing, no mass produced mod should cost that much the mark up on these is ridiculous it's not like they are making them in tiny numbers which is the main reason high end mods are pricey.

  2. darn it Mike I missed the live thanks for the look I think the stabilized wood mods are absolutely amazing but if I was going to spend that much I would get the axis m17 someday day I will have one

  3. nice review Mike, sorry i missed it live, i am building me a new smoker to start my BQ joint an my sauce; i have to make it everyday now. the Adonis Max is a sweet looking mod. keep on vaping my friend!!!!

  4. я о вас узнал от алекса Alex from VapersMD. за обзоры спасибо если будет перевод будет круто . СПАСИБО ВЫ КЛАСС .

  5. damn beautiful mod an im with you 26650 is so much better that I can't tell from the videos cuz im broke an can't afford either one lol but I would choose the 26650 over the 18650

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