Mike Vapes

Vaporflask DNA133 By Vaporshark – Mike Vapes

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  1. Great review man. Love the Flask but that price point is ridiculous. Exactly what kept me away from the SX Flask. Even at $160 I can buy 2 VT133's for that. If Wismec can do a Flask at a decent price why can't Vapor Shark? Smfh.

  2. dna200 lipo for the same price or dna200 wismec……..rx200s less than half the price..why bother reviewing it.same old shit we have already seen like some of these rdas and rdta……review an unregulated lipo or a stacked 26650…something different

  3. I've had 2 Vaporsharks since their new paint and maybe if it's sitting on your shelf it won't scratch, but you only need to go on Reddit to see the complaints about the paint… I'm starting to see how much of a sales thing a lot of these reviews are because a lot of them just aren't realistic. You've made a great point several times about the paint – but haven't mentioned any of the recalls and problems etc – seems like a nice advert more than a review…
    I'll wait until Vaporshark replace my latest faulty 200 with they're even 'newer' paint job on the new 133 standard Vaporshark…
    My Cuboid 200 watt dual 18650 has outlasted about 3 of the 200s so far… Fingers crossed the 133 is actually improved.

  4. Great review Mike! Not for me…LOL. I want a HCigar VT133, always liked the way the mod looks, I can see that in my hand 🙂 Honestly, I vape so heavily that I am really considering buying another RX200, and the S model will probably be the one. Love the fact that I can use it most of the day on 3 batteries, I vape about 40-50W.

  5. mike love the channel dude! please help got mine in the post today (in the UK) got 30qs in it! Can you please tell me the best battery settings for escribe?

  6. I got more cons to share with you guys…
    First Con:
    My RDAs: Petri v2, BMI, Pheno L and Troll v2
    "DO NOT" fit on the mod nicely. There is a significant gap between the rda and the mod!
    Second Con:
    The battery space is TERRIBLE! Batteries hardly fit into the space! Battery wraps "WILL TEAR APART!"
    I consider this as a BIG con as it is very dangerous.
    Third Con:
    + and – buttons are no good. The fire button is cool but the +/- buttons.. seriously crappy!
    Fourth Con:
    The moment you look inside the mod, you will notice that it is some bad quality xxxx.

    I love my Vaporshark dna 200 but this mod failed my expectation. Think before you buy!

  7. out of curiosity, is the switch on this vapor flask as much garbage as on the original DNA40 flask? My button crapped out on me in about 3 months. Sent it back to be fixed and it crapped out again about 2 weeks after my extended warranty ran out

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