Mike Vapes

The Vape Team – Trump’s Flavorless Gamble

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  1. I got into shooting sports a few years ago and they want to ban all guns. I finally stopped smoking with vaping and now they want to ban that. I think I should grow a man bun.

  2. my father tried everything for decades one day I bought him a vape he switched immediately but he said he kept a pack thinking he might need it apparently when he tried a cigarette one morning he couldn't get more than one or two puffs in because it tasted like garbage and thats because of the flavors we don't want the taste of tobacco when were trying to get away from tobacco

  3. Big Pharma and Big Tobacco are partners in this. One provides the sick
    and the other provides "quality of life care." BP and BT want you to
    vape with a prescription. Their vape companies are the only ones that
    are going to survive the FDA certification maze. They don't like free
    market; they are bulldozing the playing field to their favor.

  4. I have been making my own liquid since I began vaping. I have never thought that would keep me safe from any bans or laws passed against liquids. I'm an adult and I pay attention. I put as much effort into advocacy as I can. I use to see people saying "I DIY my own e-liquid so it's not my problem." They pissed me off. So much for helping smokers convert you punk. If this shit happened before I started vaping I never would have been able to. The A-holes with the attitudes don't realize that it could have happened before they started. Also, Nicotine is considered a poison which means they could pass a law to make buying nicotine to require a permit of some sort that can only be acquired by pest control companies.


    seems MOST of the anger from vape folks is the fact that most of you are the ones who have been pushing the anti smoking propaganda more than anyone else…and now you are watching the SAME groups and organizations you have been quoting unconditionally as the ultimate source of authority… slapping you in the face with the same exact narrative and agenda

    how are you surprised that trump or anyone wont be swayed by those very same people YOU have been quoting all this time?

    vaping is NOT SAFE. i am sure that 5/10/15/20 years from now a whole lot of vapers are going to get sick, not really by cancer but COPD type diseases for the simple fact that we are still irritating our lungs with particulate matter. its not the fire, the combustion, the tobacco or any of the additives in it that can cause that types of disease…its the simple physical contact and irritation of the lungs.

    YES vaping is much, much, much safter than cigs. but still… saying that its 95 percent safer DOESNT MEAN SHIT if there are a hundred million vapers…that 5 percent is a shitload of people and it WONT MATTER how much safer it is just like it doesnt matter the majority of smokers never got sick or that stopping second hand smoke didnt change anything.

    ACKNOWLEDGE the risks and lets be the ones to push for the Facts… because when, not if…but when some vapers start getting sick because their own genetic predispotion… "we" are going to then become the "same thing" as those lying corporations that lied when they said it was "safe". and then it really will be over.

    and all you liberal/progressive lunatics out there…DONT freakin use this as an excuse to vent your hate and delusions about trump. He has the fda and cdc and EVERY single health group VAPERS have been quoting all this time being pressured by "save children groups" now whispering in his ear. dont help fuck things up with your retarded bullshit

  6. I have been vaping for 5 years. I researched vaping and found it is not dangerous. I smoked for 44 years. I tried to quit cigarettes using everything; gum, lozenge, patch. I was unable to quit. When I discovered vaping it saved me. I'm not blaming our President or Melania. The MEDIA is the culprit!! I have written the President, and phoned the White House #202-456-1414. Please call and write!! Don't hate on our President! Don't forget Juul, is running a black market and that's the problem!! PLEASE SHARE TO ALL VAPERS!!

  7. Problem is the governors/ mayor's/ politicians too, like Cuomo who just banned flavored eliquid yesterday in my home state of NY besides tobacco & menthol?. Even if Trump doesn't do ban, hoping he doesn't?( he sounds like a socialist) we have to worry about our governors & elected officials in our States too! So happy u are doing a rally!! ✌️? I'LL donate..!

  8. Something I wrote up that can be freely distributed. It’s a true story and an excellent example of scientific proof/study!  My name is Mike, and I was urged to stop cigarette smoking by my pulmonologist in 2008, whom I have been seeing every year for an annual, pulmonary functions tests after being diagnosed with the start of COPD. I tried every smoking cessation method on the market with no success. I finally found vaping in 2013 and have been smoke free ever since. In 2016, 3 1/2 after vaping, he removed me from the COPD categorization due to my improved lung capacity and improved carbon-dioxide diffusion ratios. Since then, my pulmonary functions test from my doctor have continued to shown marketable improvements as the years progress. My chronic asthma is albeit gone, and I haven’t had pneumonia in over 6 years which was a normal bi-yearly occurrence. This is a BIG deal my wife and four kids who are so proud of me for kicking the tobacco habit, which unlike vaping, is scientifically proven to kill. All I can tell you is the numbers and statistics my doctor provides, and that they are positive and my health has improved as well as my lifestyle! I want to remain a functional living tax payer in Maryland as I have for the past 51 years, and I fear that if big tobacco continues to sway you with false reports and press, that I will be forced to go back to killing myself with tobacco products. the president and FDA to ban these products, I will have no choice to but go back to tobacco products and continue my downward spiral in my health as it was before I started using vaping products.  This technology and the wide variety of liquid "e-juices" and flavors has allowed hundreds of thousands of smokers to quit the smoking lifestyle.  I truly hope you help make the world a healthier place by rejecting any legislation that keeps this life saving technology from being available to adults. When I cast my vote for you during the last election, it was in hopes that you would represent me and other educated taxpayers wisely on issues such as these.
    Thank you so much for your service to our state and government.

  9. Black Hat – ✔️
    T-Shirt – ✔️
    Facial Hair – ✔️
    Tattoo – ✔️
    Vaping Mod – ✔️

    ? I’m sorry but you guys all fit the stereotype. It’s cool though. No hate. Hey, I vaped to quit smoking ? cancer causing tobacco and it worked. I’m really worried about this ban.

  10. Great video…!!! Don't forget to include the Trade War with China into account. Most vaping products are produced in China. The tariff on vaping products will hurt China's vape industry. Every tariff is needed for trade war with China. It's more politics than health

  11. I'm very angry to say the least! It took a lot of effert for me to get off of cigarettes, and I did it with flavored e juice with nic, I'd never go back to smoking cigarettes! I hate the nasty taste of tobacco!!! I think that it's really pathetic that the media and senetors and our government have miss led the people here in the United States of America by lying about what caused the 6 deaths, it was black marketTHC cartridges that get you high!!! Not e juice with nicotine and flavoring!!!! I want everyone in the state of Ohio where I live to know that if you pass this law and bann flavors that you will definitely not get my vote!!! I vape and I vote, and flavors saved my life! Why all you big wigs are enjoying your steak dinner wearing your fancy clothes and suits, hundreds of thousands of hard working people are now out of a job! And a business! Does that make you sleep better at night? Nowing that you took not only people's jobs but you also took food from there mouths and there children's!!! To me America isn't the land of the free anymore, because of greedy high powered people American has become a pitiful place to live, I've been vaping for 10 dam years with no health problems at all, and I vape flavored e juice, and I'm a 42 year old man, and damnt I like Flavors and flavored stuff! I eat gummy worms! I love candy, and fruit, and dessert flavors! This doesn't have anything to do with flavors!!! It's because our government is greedy and money hungry and they don't care about our health or our children! All they care about is getting that big tobacco money! They want you to smoke cigarettes and get cancer and die, they really love the hospital bill money from the cancer thst cigarettes cause! Because it's a huge payday for them! But you know what? We are 13 million strong and counting, so that means you will lose a lot more votes than you thought, we're Big and we're here and we're gonna fight this all the way through!!! I'm just a single father of a 17 year old son who doesn't have a mother! So I'm all he has and he's the reason I stopped smoking nasty cancer & carbon manoxid tar & 5,000 harmful deadly chemicals &pesticides that they put in cigarettes!!! Why you all say you care about the kids your trying to take away there parents flavored e juice, which in the end your killing there parents!!! This world makes me sick that we live in anything or anybody that tries to better the earth they kill it, just as they did with JFK, same with John Lennon, well guess what if I have to I'll make my own e juice, and big tobacco I hope you read this!!! Because I will never in my life ever give you a dam peeny towards your nasty killing cigarettes! I'll never go back to smoking, I hope others read this and take something good and positive from it!!! We as vapors have rights and we as vapors vote and we as vapors we fight this together until the end ?????

  12. this is the third video I’ve seen so far today with reviewer’s implying to the consumer they should threaten to vote a certain way which I find completely fucked up! Donald Trump doesn’t have a clue about vaping except for the garbage he’s been fed. everybody knew this day would come way before Trump was elected. when you Play with the big dogs like big tobacco and you take billions of their money no one should be surprised they want it back. Big tobacco has been spreading misinformation for years while the vaping industry sat on their asses. what the vaping industry is doing now is like a kamikaze run at last minute. a hope and pray type deal instead of being proactive like they should’ve been doing years ago. The average Joe that doesn’t smoke or Vape but has kids will never see any of these videos. The truth is so far down the information rabbit hole the average Joe Will never hear about it. all they will hear is the bad shit that big tobacco spews. Big tobacco spent the money and put in the time. meanwhile the misinformation spread like a cancer to biblical proportions. the vaping industry has done virtually nothing to defend vaping in comparison to what big tobacco has done to delegitimize vaping to counteract big tobacco’s misinformation campaign. i know guys that own Vape shops and mix their own juice legally to sell in their Vape shops and they’re great guys they drive around in 80 Thousand dollar cars as beaters and they’re not doing shit but shoveling the money into the bank. The vaping industry has made plenty of money and did virtually nothing. if I have a choice between vaping and Donald Trump as my president without hesitation I’d throw my Vape gear in the fuck it bucket if need be. my freedom my guns my way of life is more important. It’s time to call it for what it is the vaping Industry totally fucked up. they were more concerned about keeping the money rolling in. vape shops should be educating their customers about Battery safety, correctly using the mod or tank they purchased,should be selling regulated or retard proof mod’s only, mechanical mods should be kept in the DYI dimension you’re just asking for trouble selling them out of Vape shops to people that have no clue. need to put the smack down on cloning. more information about where to buy and we’re not to buy, what to buy and what not to buy. but I fear it might be too little too late.
    should’ve been doing damage control 8 years ago. The vaping industry has been like the California gold rush no Rhyme or reason just get there and sell it. it’s a shit show and there’s no one to blame but ourselves.

  13. I'm trying to donate money to United vapors alliance but I'm getting an error message saying Try later due to the lack of band with on this site is anyone else getting this message Due. I'm praying this is due to the butt load of people Donating.

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