Dash Vapes

This “All-in-One” uses NAUTILUS COILS?! – Aspire Nautilus AIO

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  1. The Nautilus AiO vs. Aspire Breeze. Which one are you leaning towards?

    Also, HUGE thank you to everyone for hitting 100K. Stay tuned for a proper "Thank You", though…

  2. I’m so in love with the Breeze 2, that I bought two of them and use them on a daily basis as my main devices. The Nautilus AIO will feel right at home in my pocket, since I still have some nautilus coils around here. Can’t wait for it to be released! Thx for the tip ??

  3. I love the Breeze. So I bought an Breeze 2. The Breeze vape is better than the 2 for me. But now there is this. Ugh, I want it but so many devices now! I am not familiar with the nautilus coils. How do they compares to the breeze?

  4. This is fake. This vape doesn’t exist and after talking to Aspire they have no plans to build. Would be too much competition to breeze 2 their big seller today.

  5. Nautilus AIO looks good. One question: does it have the same cheap plastic tabs on the side to hold the pod/tank in place like on the Breeze 2? I've lost one Breeze 2 already due to broken tabs. IMO that's the weak spot for the device – just a matter of time before the tabs break – even if you are super careful with them. They should be made of metal or maybe slightly redesigned so they don't break so easy.

  6. i love the aio have it now for a week and with nic salts great hit to lung will recommend it to everyone. it is made out of plastic but the 2nd day i dropped it from 3ft to ground and no break. great device. coils are amazing i have revenger from vaporesso with there ceremic coils but these coils are cheaper and give off a better taste than vaporesso.. good bye revenger. enjoy well worth it.

  7. ok, maybe I just got a bad one and/or a bad coil, because this thing is just absolute crap in my opinion. First off the taste on the breeze 2 with nic salts is leaps and bounds better in my opinion, but that may have just been a bad coil, because I could barely taste anything on the nautilus. if anything it had a bad flavor. and I am surprised I havnt seen this mentioned yet, but when I went to take the coil out, to make sure I put it in properly, I got juice all down the front of my pants because it leaks out the top when you take the coil out, so you have to have a dry tank in order to change coils. That will not happen with the breeze 2 because you change the coil from the top. Like I said, maybe I just got a bad one or I am a dumbass and just didnt put it together properly, but I really feel like I just wasted $30
    Edit: another con for me with the nautilus is the power/fire button protrudes a bit so if you put it in your pocket without turning it off it is easier for it to accidentally fire

  8. Im looking to upgrade from my breeze 1 cant decide if i should go with the spryte or the aio. Which one would you prefer if you want something that has a good throat hit? I usually vape direct to lung

  9. I have had an aio for about a month. I have successfully quit smoking with it which is super exciting but I have some questions and haven't been able to find answers online. This is my first vape. I use njc salts and the 1.8 coil. I vape a lot on days off. How often should I be changing it? Is there a way to save the ejuice when changing the coil? I get spit back often: what can I do to avoid this. My lips get chapped, is this from vaping? Is there a fix? What's the best ejuice ratio for this set up? Any help is much appreciated ♥

  10. Im gonna switch to nautilus, because im using breeze 2 lately in malaysia lots of low quality of 1.0 ohm NS occ. Its last arround 2-3 days (maximum). Very disappointed ?

  11. Just recently got one and have used it for about 1 week, great flavor, was not warned you cannot change coils while filled so that was a drag. Was also sold when I bought this AIO 1.6 nautilus batteries have to say that was rather not a good recommendation as it spit back very hot juice in my throat and have a couple of burns from that .. but it has since calmed down and same issue has not happened again as I continue to use this coil not sure if putting a new one it will cause the spitting burn again hope not … it is an awesome pod vape.. I have used pots only since March 2018, started w the vladdin love that one especially now with refillable pods. went to the Smoant S8 great flavor but can easily get that burnt flavor if not careful . so far with this one aside fr being sold the 1.6 coils for replacements due to the hot spit back that happened I love it

  12. The only thing I don't like about the Breeze 2, is that the damned mouthpiece is so hard to get off. However, you only have to take it off while changing the coil or adjusting the airflow.

    The 2 things I don't like about the Nautilus AIO:
    1) The fill hole causes fluid to bubble over, no matter what position I hold it. I learned a new trick; wrap a thin strip of electrical tape around the juice nozzle, and that saves the day.
    2) You have to make sure the pod is empty before change the coil. No where does it mention this anywhere! I made a huge mess when I decided to change my coil. I do prefer the Nautilus coil to the Breeze 2 coil.

  13. I had a nautilus 2. It was leaking, getting stuck but i liked the coil. The aio device has great flavor, good vapor production and a decent price, espcially for a 1.8 ohm coil. I would recommend this one

  14. Bought the nautilus aio a week ago and i stopped smoking since last monday.
    I think the battery life is not enough so much for 1,000mAH, but the flavor is good and the coils switch is very comfortable and easy.
    Overall its a great kit!

  15. My experience with nautilus AIO. The clips broke (one side of the pod consistently would come unclipped). The chrome paint started chipping within days of owning. the coils were inconsistent. some lasted week+/ others lasted a day. The majority of coils lasted around half a week so it was pretty hit or miss. The device sometimes leaked onto the contacts, it was a pain in the butt to fill because the coil placement didn't allow you to put the whole tip in. Lastly the battery went to garbage after about 3 months. Full charge dead on 3 hours use. However there are many pros about this device, I wouldn't have daily drove it for 6 months if it sucked in terms of flavour and performance. Just consider some of the cons before buying even if I'm being a bit nit picky. Every one has certain preferences. My recommendation is the Smok Nord!

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